Phrases that kinda rhyme with "SUICIDEGIRLS":

Poo in my curls
Jewish Fly Girls
Who is my squirrel?
You is high, Earl
Pubic lice swirls

The end.
Okay, so I got the DJ gig for Sunday nights, and I'm sure it will be def, dope, fly, *and* stoopid... it also makes me feel slightly less depressed about missing Coachella day 2 this coming Sunday because I'm a poor bastard. I went out and bought some CDRs so I can start burning my CD collection and not have to worry about dragging 300+...
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It's Post-Easter in Pompeii 79AD... chocolate rabbits with peanut butter and dates are super-yummy, and it will be ham and hard-boiled egg sandwhiches for at least a week. I'm adapting fairly well here, and don't really miss the 21st century much at all. I'm going to try my hand at DJing a brit pop/indie night Sundays at a local club here, hopefully that will take...
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brain dissection at a halloween party i threw. do you know how cheap headcheese is at a mexican butcher?

leslie cheung was, as the article states, was easily one of the top ten male actors in history of HK cinema. he was also out. i'd recommend his movies with wong karwai, or farewell my concubine, although chinese ghost story is supposed to be really good. he's awesome (and gay) in "happy together".
I woke up submerged in warm, spiced water. I inhaled water by the lung-full, then burst up out of it just to retch it back up again. My eyes pound and shoot strings of christmas lights flashing just in front of my brain. My nose bleeds. My ears buzz. Everything is blue gray fog. I cling to the side of a large, stone basin in...
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About 56 years ago (and just earlier today, depending on how your look at it) while taking a walk at Old Town in San Diego, I accidentally discovered a time-traveling stall at the men's restroom. You see, if I have the choice, like most people, I will always avoid public restrooms. I hate, hate public restrooms... and I'm not overly fond of private restrooms, either....
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was that a journal entry or a deleted scene from fear and loathing in old town san diego? hey, here's some questions:

- what's so failed about your witty profile? it's about average on the wit-o-meter around here

- shouldn't the "go back" button on yr company's site say "ctrl-z" instead of "go back"? am i the tenth person to ask that?

- given the mag fields, yo la tengo, and AIM joke, where's elvis costello?

just givin' the new guy a noogie,

p.s. flirt with LA people on AIM and they let you into this secret club where they plot frequent LA get-togethers.
Aaargh... me aching heeed.

Is it SG fauxpas to respond to a response to my journal on my own journal response page? Fuzzy Wuzzy wuzza wha? Whose on first?

Question the First: My profile cuts the mustard, I guess, but I was lookin' to rip the Gudah, ya know? She sells seashells?

Guestion 2: Yes... it should be Ctrl-Z... Dammit, I wish I had thought of that... yer the first! I wanna keyboard that will eject a poptart from my floppy drive if I hit Ctrl-P+T.

Third Question: Mmmmm... Magnetic Fields! Somebody else out there loves the Magnetic Fields! Yes, I'm a Costello fan, too, but not one of the hardcore ones. I think Elvis Costello is too huge for someone as small as me to be numbered amongst the fans.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for tapping my shoulder... I feel loved.
Joined Suicide Girls today. Made a passing attempt at creating a clever personal profile. Failed.
Glendale..........hmmmmm...........maybe i know you