There is a very special lady on this site, who for many reasons cannot be here as often as she likes.
It is the amazing, adorable @melusine2908 ❤️
With two young children (the youngest not even a year old) she has little free time on her hands. Any spare time would be basically resting and recharging her batteries.
I just want to highlight what an amazing lady this is. She is one of the sweetest, kindest, supportive ladies here. Always promoting others, ahead of herself.
If anyone typifies what an SG should be, or aspire to, it is her. She should have been pink 💓 a long time ago.
If I see she has been active, even briefly, it brings a big smile to my face.
She has two new sets in MR along with her three older sets.
Both sets were wonderfully shot by @dan_t and more sets have been shot and will be uploaded in due course.
I miss my beautiful friend but understand her absence. I long to see her more active here 🥰
Here are a few more images to show why she has a hold on my heart.
Come back soon my beautiful, wonderful, mesmerizing @melusine2908 💘💘💘
Vinny ❤️
@missy @penny @kyrie @lust