This is dedicated to a very special lady. I have always had a strong bond with Russian models.
@ladyzhuk ❤️❤️❤️ is such a lovely & beautiful lady. So many amazing sets (11 in 6 years). It's hard to believe that she is not an SG!
In 2022 she underwent surgery for breast cancer & you can see the scar at the top of her breast. This has not impeded her modelling. In addition to her modelling she is a very talented clothes maker and hopes to have her own brand.
Her set boredom-killing set mixed her beauty as a model with her passion for clothing design. I adore this natural setting & it was beautifully captured by @elune
I wish travel to Russia were easier these days as I would love to travel to St Petersburg to meet her and give her a big hug!
Her bath set lets take a relaxing bath shot by @darishka is another favourite set of mine. Black hair gives her a different look, but she is still fantastically beautiful & sexy.
I truly hope that the powers that be turn this amazing lady pink soon.
Please show her sets some love.
HotDog xx
@missy @sean @penny @lust