Amazing sets are coming thick & fast!
My first preview is for a stunning hopeful who really should be pink already. She has everything! It is @belladonna
This set, shot by @arthemis is due to drop on Friday morning.
My next preview is for the stunning @rare Shot by @gloom this is due out on Saturday afternoon. I will miss this release, but will be home to enjoy it on Sunday.
Monday afternoon sees the release of @wildsignorina's new set. Shot by the gorgeous @stellamyldred
Just a few hours later we see a new set from another of my hopeful favourites @vithen Her sets are always awesome & this one, shot by @minuminula, will be no different.
Tuesday lunchtime sees a new set from a resident of my favourite city. Sin City itself, Las Vegas. It is the stunning @cinderpage
Next up is the amazing @nesty due out Wednesday afternoon.
The early hours of Thursday sees the 2nd set from @precious Her debut set turned her pink, so I expect this to be just as delicious. This set was shot by @anilorac
This set is immediately followed by a new set from UK based hopeful @xenablue I love this lady with her gorgeous hair. It is also a bath/shower set which I find so erotic.
Thursday evening sees three amazing ladies in a row. First up is the sexy & sensual @deliriumtremmens This set was shot by @mimo
The exquisite & erotic @erisverba follows & she has such a pretty smile. Shot by @drew
My final preview is for the long-awaited debut of the cutest Aussie @aschiron 5am Saturday (16th) (UK time) which will be 2pm Melbourne time.
All time are UK (unless stated) & subject to change.
Please give all these sets lots of love.
HotDog xx
@missy @sean @lemon @penny @eirenne