Well, I have been tagged by @cheshire_ @lioncourt & @nerestorm so I guess I should take part in @weedfarmer's questionnaire.
1. 3 Favourite things you like about spring?
Smell of freshly cut grass, hot pants & boob tubes starting to appear, longer days for late afternoon golf.
2. Who's going on vacation, holiday or weekend getaways this spring?
No plans for spring but looking to book a holiday in the States for summer.
3. 3 Outdoor activities you enjoy in the spring?
Golf, golf & more golf.
4. Something you enjoy doing in the upcoming month of May?
Celebrating my son's birthday
5. Coffee or Tea
Tea at home, coffee out
6. A new 2023 song your enjoying?
Not really following much new music.
7. Anyone going to a concert this spring?
Nothing in diary but always looking out
8. Do you use sunscreen?
Rarely, but I should
9. Anyone sunburned this spring?
No chance in UK!
10. Do you do spring cleaning?
I spring clean every decade, whether the house needs it or not!
11. Favourite new movie or movies in the new year?
Watched Bob Odenkirk's "Nobody" on Netflix recently. Looking forward to John Wick 4
12. A spring time smell you enjoy?
Cut grass
13. How did you spend your Easter this spring.
Poker in a casino (healthy Β£250 ($300) profit)
14. Question for the stoner's, how did you spend your 4/20 day?
Still a weed virgin
15. 3 of your favourite hobbies?
Poker, golf & SG
16. Favourite beach?
Barry Island, South Wales but not been since childhood.
17. Tell us something we don't know about you?
Although my profession is accountancy/taxation, I spent over a year as a London Bus Driver circa 2011.
18. Question for the models!
Love Harry Potter themed sets
19. Who's in love and who's looking for love in the new year?
Always looking but comfortable being single for now.
20. Ask a question or add something to my questionnaire.
What is your favourite type of holiday? Beach, Countryside, Culture (museums etc).
Although I love a good beach holiday, my favourite holiday is skiing. Sadly not been for quite a few years now,
I will tag @stellamyldred @vithen & @melusine2908
HotDog xx