The funeral on Friday was the saddest thing I've ever experience. Watching friends bury their daughter. They read letters to her, some passages and lit incense. As the mom and dad respectively broke down, so it I. I shook with sobs and waited in line to throw some earth into her grave. It seemed surreal and wrong. I had insisted that we not take our toddler, contrary to my husband's wishes. I "won" out, if you can call it that and it was then I felt really grown up. I was so glad we didn't bring him as I know it would have been hard for them despite their insistance that it was ok to bring him. Phew. Was pretty melancholy the rest of the night and did more settling into the house. Seems like we've been here longer that 2 weeks somehow. Maybe I'm bored. Will check in when I have something remotely interesting to share. On the bright side, some other friends (well, business partner and wife actually - would be a stretch to call them friends) are expecting and she is doing well so far. That's nice news and proves the eternal circle of life theory. For every door that closes, a window opens. More 5 cent cliches please.
Where is that buddhist peace?
I hope you are doing ok up there, enjoying your new space by the cows.
Being happy for me would mean a family together. Which is not mine.