I was inspired to write this today:
Internal frowns, external vexation
From disappointment of expectations.
I'm pulling petals off the rose,
Bleeding sweat from the thorns.
Whispering sweet incantations,
You gently gather the fallen petals
And with lithesome elegance
Raise them to the heavens.
Their scent wafts skyward,
Seraphic and sublime;
Zephyrus exhales softly,
Angelic breath gives them wings.
Their dance eases my bruised hubris,
Sanctifying boorish finesse,
Revoking anathema,
Replacing it with grace.
Internal frowns, external vexation
From disappointment of expectations.
I'm pulling petals off the rose,
Bleeding sweat from the thorns.
Whispering sweet incantations,
You gently gather the fallen petals
And with lithesome elegance
Raise them to the heavens.
Their scent wafts skyward,
Seraphic and sublime;
Zephyrus exhales softly,
Angelic breath gives them wings.
Their dance eases my bruised hubris,
Sanctifying boorish finesse,
Revoking anathema,
Replacing it with grace.
But the ickiness of the moment aside, prior to being whacked with the sick stick things were going pretty well, and, if I can get myself back in shape in a hurry, it looks to be pretty good once I feel better too!