5:15 am just got home from security in a nightclub, done a 11 hour killer shift fuck theres scum on the gold coast! hope all u gromits out there are well and live and kickin! much luve people
I love knockers! natural ones, u cant beat it, that and a good bottom and cute pixie like features! mmmmm wow yum 

Answering your question: I'm Russian 

hello fellow gromits, just doing some homework but couldn't resist to have a little SG browse, killer. the weather is getting rather cold and im not much of a eskimo, im a tropical lover so im up struggle street. so what ive noticed on here is that plenty of the ladies are in relationships, its not that im looking for a relationship but im not...
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if i should end up with ten pounds of crablegs, i'll know who to call! 

Picked my dog up from the vet today so im happy. He's still groggy from the medication so its pretty funny seeing him so tired for once. He also has to wear a weird head piece to keep him from scratching at the stitches. Just fed him so he's a happy boy. Gonna try and get back into the gym today after a week or...
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come to the states! lol Thats good though that your dog is ok 

My dogs at the vet getting a few stitches as he got a facial cut from a mates dog playing with a stick on dog beach and things got a bit too serious. Thankfully he is gonna be just fine, $490.00 later. haha, o'well he is special. Another week at uni about to start and I am so grateful that its my last semester, I'm...
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what it do peeps, so today should be a pretty fun day, i feel much better and had a great night sleep so that always helps. one of my mates that i went to school with is in a MMA fight this afternoon so im gonna go with a few mates to watch him punch on, hopefully he wins. my dad and brother are still...
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Well thats pretty awesome about your dads show!! I hope you have a great weekend

you dad is an awesome artist! and that seems like such an amazing experience!! =D
hope you are well
hope you are well

whats doin gromits, so today im gonna go to the hospital cause i cant shake this fever, need to pump the pharmaceuticals into me. gonna take it easy and justtt chill. on a lighter note check out this video itsssss amazing haha 
and this classic

and this classic
I hope you get to feeling better...
and umm that video is HILARIOUS!

and umm that video is HILARIOUS!

that pic makes me want to go on holiday 

what it do peeps
just sitting in my accounting theory class @ uni so thought i'd hit up SG.
tried to access it but my uni had blocked it, gutted, but one of my mates knew a way around it, how sweet is that.
still pretty crook and had major heat flushes last night, that shit was whack.
meant to start bouncin' this weekend, and...
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just sitting in my accounting theory class @ uni so thought i'd hit up SG.
tried to access it but my uni had blocked it, gutted, but one of my mates knew a way around it, how sweet is that.
still pretty crook and had major heat flushes last night, that shit was whack.
meant to start bouncin' this weekend, and...
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