Yeah, I'm back again-after a rather hefty absence for my journal...
SO I didn't plan anything this past weekend, it seems Erin and I always seem to have plans over the weekend, and it goes to fast, so we decided not to plan on doing anything.
We ended up going to see 'High Tension' in the theater, which I will say, was perhaps the most graphic violence I've seen in quite a while. I enjoyed the movie, but it was diferent than I expected, and had a twist at the end that still confuses me a little. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.
We watched 'Hoop Dreams' on Saturday night, as I've never seen it before, and BlueBear3 informed me, that he's in the documentary. Though I believed him, I still gave him a hard ass time on it. But low and behold, I caught a glimpse of his face at one point in the movie(a graduation scene), approximately at 2:39:04 in the movie. Though he was sleeping when we caught the glimpse of him to confirm, so I made him look at it on Sunday morning.
Erin, BlueBear3 and myself, all watched 'Seed of Chucky' Sunday night, and as remembered, it was probably one of the cheesiest movies I've seen in a long time. Though, Erin loves the shit out of it makes me smile to
Other than that, I have a massive headache today, still, after waking up with it a couple of hours ago. I fucking hate headaches, not like anyone is really a fan of them
I told Erin a couple of true stories that happened to me a numebr of years ago, which I shall share with you:
1)Back in 2000, a friend and I decided to go to St.Louis for a Monday Night football game. I've never been to an NFL game, so I thought it would be fun. We left at 5 in the morning, drove down and visited with my old roommate Debbie, and proceded to go to a party before the game.
We didn't stay long, as e were on a schedule. so we left. I managed to pull out in fornt of a car I thoguht was turning(as he had his turn signal on, and was slowing down), but he didn't end up turning, so we smacked cars pretty good as a result.
I got out to see if he was all right. He proceded to get out of his car, and threatened to kill me. He got back in his car, and tried to drive off. But, the impact had flatened oneof his tires, so he pulled around the corner. I followed, knowing he was upset, and may need assistance. We both got out of aour cars again-and he threatened to kill me again. He walked across the street, cursing all the way. I assumed, he was going to use the phone in the gas station across the street-bt I was wrong. After waiting a few minutes, a friend had walked across the street to find him. That's when the gas station attendant informed her, that the man I had hit, had jumped a partition wall and started running away.
It seems, out of all my luck, I had oddly enough, hit a man in a car that he had STOLEN! So, as a result of my own fault, I had stopped a car theif in his tracks-which I thought was very cool. Plus, the cops told me, "Well, the fault is shifted to the other driver now", because 1)he fled the scene, and 2)he had been in a stolen car.
2)I was on a first date with a girl a numebr of years back. We went to a movie, and then a local restaurant afterwards for snacks.
Well, there was only about 5 of us in the restaurant not including the employees. We heard a loud banging noise coming from the kitchen, but thought nothing of it.
A few second later, the manager had come out, and informed another employee to 'Lock the doors, we've just been robbed'. He came over to our table , and informed us we were locked in, until the cops showed up and asked us some questions.
We talked to the cop for about 3 or 4 minutes, letting them know, that we hadn't seen anything, only heard a loud noise.
The manager came out fo the kitchen holind a peice of paper, and said to the police officers:
"Do you want the robber's name and address?"
the cops answered,
'Yes of course, but how would you have that information?"
to which the manager had replied,
"The guy who just robbed us, applied to work here less than a month ago, and I just found his application."
I read int he paper the next day, the guy was caught less than an hour later. I thought it was pretty funny, and deserved one of those 'Stupidest Criminals' awards...
Ok, that is all....
SO I didn't plan anything this past weekend, it seems Erin and I always seem to have plans over the weekend, and it goes to fast, so we decided not to plan on doing anything.
We ended up going to see 'High Tension' in the theater, which I will say, was perhaps the most graphic violence I've seen in quite a while. I enjoyed the movie, but it was diferent than I expected, and had a twist at the end that still confuses me a little. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.
We watched 'Hoop Dreams' on Saturday night, as I've never seen it before, and BlueBear3 informed me, that he's in the documentary. Though I believed him, I still gave him a hard ass time on it. But low and behold, I caught a glimpse of his face at one point in the movie(a graduation scene), approximately at 2:39:04 in the movie. Though he was sleeping when we caught the glimpse of him to confirm, so I made him look at it on Sunday morning.
Erin, BlueBear3 and myself, all watched 'Seed of Chucky' Sunday night, and as remembered, it was probably one of the cheesiest movies I've seen in a long time. Though, Erin loves the shit out of it makes me smile to

Other than that, I have a massive headache today, still, after waking up with it a couple of hours ago. I fucking hate headaches, not like anyone is really a fan of them

I told Erin a couple of true stories that happened to me a numebr of years ago, which I shall share with you:
1)Back in 2000, a friend and I decided to go to St.Louis for a Monday Night football game. I've never been to an NFL game, so I thought it would be fun. We left at 5 in the morning, drove down and visited with my old roommate Debbie, and proceded to go to a party before the game.
We didn't stay long, as e were on a schedule. so we left. I managed to pull out in fornt of a car I thoguht was turning(as he had his turn signal on, and was slowing down), but he didn't end up turning, so we smacked cars pretty good as a result.
I got out to see if he was all right. He proceded to get out of his car, and threatened to kill me. He got back in his car, and tried to drive off. But, the impact had flatened oneof his tires, so he pulled around the corner. I followed, knowing he was upset, and may need assistance. We both got out of aour cars again-and he threatened to kill me again. He walked across the street, cursing all the way. I assumed, he was going to use the phone in the gas station across the street-bt I was wrong. After waiting a few minutes, a friend had walked across the street to find him. That's when the gas station attendant informed her, that the man I had hit, had jumped a partition wall and started running away.
It seems, out of all my luck, I had oddly enough, hit a man in a car that he had STOLEN! So, as a result of my own fault, I had stopped a car theif in his tracks-which I thought was very cool. Plus, the cops told me, "Well, the fault is shifted to the other driver now", because 1)he fled the scene, and 2)he had been in a stolen car.
2)I was on a first date with a girl a numebr of years back. We went to a movie, and then a local restaurant afterwards for snacks.
Well, there was only about 5 of us in the restaurant not including the employees. We heard a loud banging noise coming from the kitchen, but thought nothing of it.
A few second later, the manager had come out, and informed another employee to 'Lock the doors, we've just been robbed'. He came over to our table , and informed us we were locked in, until the cops showed up and asked us some questions.
We talked to the cop for about 3 or 4 minutes, letting them know, that we hadn't seen anything, only heard a loud noise.
The manager came out fo the kitchen holind a peice of paper, and said to the police officers:
"Do you want the robber's name and address?"
the cops answered,
'Yes of course, but how would you have that information?"
to which the manager had replied,
"The guy who just robbed us, applied to work here less than a month ago, and I just found his application."
I read int he paper the next day, the guy was caught less than an hour later. I thought it was pretty funny, and deserved one of those 'Stupidest Criminals' awards...
Ok, that is all....
I hope I don't shoot any diseased people and have them stalk me and spread their nastiness.