Hello again,
Wow, two posts in less than a week-though technically, my last post was nonsensical or stupid-and short.
Regardless, it was how I was feeling at the moment.
Anywho-had our Halloween party this past weekend-and no one really showed up-so that was a bit of a bumer, but still, we all went out and bar hopped and partied in our costumes and such-and had a ball. I had my picture taken with a bunch of starngers, and managed to emet some new folk-so all good in my book.
I was thinking about updating a couple of weeks ago, when this shit happened, but I past up the opportuniy, as I wasn't sure how to take it, but I'm posting it now, as the mood has striken me.
It's nothing to exciting, but it made em think a lot, and question it as to what it all meant-and I have no answer. But here it goes.
I woke up a couple of Saturdays ago, with a incredibly large headache. There was a larger amount of pain, than I'm usd to with my headaches-and it was all balled up at the base of my skull, right above my neck in the back. I took aspirin, but nothing seemed to help it any-so I decided just to loaf, get fresh air when needed, and relax and try to sleep it off.
Sleep was hard to do though, so I found myself watching absolutely dumb TV to try and ghet my mind off of everything, the pain and throbbing. And as I sit there, for a period of over 10 hours, images of something just kept popping up in my head. I want to say memory, like something I was thinking about, coming back up, but it wasn't.
I kept getting visuals of something that I never witnessed, in real life or on TV-just pooping up[ randomly here and there-and a lot to. Though these images and occurences happened very very fast, less than what seemed to be a second-the images were there, and made no sense to me a t all. I remember some of them still, though vaguely-and as they popped up, I tried to graba better look, but they'd slip as fast as they came. All I know, is that all of the images and actions I witnessed in these episodes seemed familiar, but were not-I gues you can say 'deja vu', as everyone has that-I just never had so many images pop up continuosly through the course of the day.
And, as my headache started to get better,t he images slipped afrtehr and farther away. Until late Saturday night, when they completely stopped. I'm not sure what to make of them-as the images were all scattered and didn't seem to corralate to one another at all. Some did, some didn't, but I had a feeling they were all involved. I'm not sure why ifelt that way, call it a gut feeling I guess, soemthing you know to be true, even though you have no evidence.
And of the images, all I can seem to grasp now, is two men and one woman climbing a fire escape or outdoor back staircase to a building, at night, and the overall mood was negative. Faces were there, but have left my memory(not much of a trick, as I forget which day of the week it is frequently), and I stil question what any of it means.
Just strange-I had had a previous episode, very similair, but different images, over ten years ago in college-those images were more clear, and associted themselves into several of my dreams. The images back then, were images of my own death by car accident, something I think I may have prevented through choices and circumstance-then the dreams and images stopped shortly after,
All of this shit just makes me wonder about everything around us, things we can see, and those we can't see or even feel.
Just fucked up really...
Ok, that's it, just thought I'd share, because I'm bored, and I certainly can't sleep lately...
Wow, two posts in less than a week-though technically, my last post was nonsensical or stupid-and short.
Regardless, it was how I was feeling at the moment.
Anywho-had our Halloween party this past weekend-and no one really showed up-so that was a bit of a bumer, but still, we all went out and bar hopped and partied in our costumes and such-and had a ball. I had my picture taken with a bunch of starngers, and managed to emet some new folk-so all good in my book.
I was thinking about updating a couple of weeks ago, when this shit happened, but I past up the opportuniy, as I wasn't sure how to take it, but I'm posting it now, as the mood has striken me.
It's nothing to exciting, but it made em think a lot, and question it as to what it all meant-and I have no answer. But here it goes.
I woke up a couple of Saturdays ago, with a incredibly large headache. There was a larger amount of pain, than I'm usd to with my headaches-and it was all balled up at the base of my skull, right above my neck in the back. I took aspirin, but nothing seemed to help it any-so I decided just to loaf, get fresh air when needed, and relax and try to sleep it off.
Sleep was hard to do though, so I found myself watching absolutely dumb TV to try and ghet my mind off of everything, the pain and throbbing. And as I sit there, for a period of over 10 hours, images of something just kept popping up in my head. I want to say memory, like something I was thinking about, coming back up, but it wasn't.
I kept getting visuals of something that I never witnessed, in real life or on TV-just pooping up[ randomly here and there-and a lot to. Though these images and occurences happened very very fast, less than what seemed to be a second-the images were there, and made no sense to me a t all. I remember some of them still, though vaguely-and as they popped up, I tried to graba better look, but they'd slip as fast as they came. All I know, is that all of the images and actions I witnessed in these episodes seemed familiar, but were not-I gues you can say 'deja vu', as everyone has that-I just never had so many images pop up continuosly through the course of the day.
And, as my headache started to get better,t he images slipped afrtehr and farther away. Until late Saturday night, when they completely stopped. I'm not sure what to make of them-as the images were all scattered and didn't seem to corralate to one another at all. Some did, some didn't, but I had a feeling they were all involved. I'm not sure why ifelt that way, call it a gut feeling I guess, soemthing you know to be true, even though you have no evidence.
And of the images, all I can seem to grasp now, is two men and one woman climbing a fire escape or outdoor back staircase to a building, at night, and the overall mood was negative. Faces were there, but have left my memory(not much of a trick, as I forget which day of the week it is frequently), and I stil question what any of it means.
Just strange-I had had a previous episode, very similair, but different images, over ten years ago in college-those images were more clear, and associted themselves into several of my dreams. The images back then, were images of my own death by car accident, something I think I may have prevented through choices and circumstance-then the dreams and images stopped shortly after,
All of this shit just makes me wonder about everything around us, things we can see, and those we can't see or even feel.
Just fucked up really...
Ok, that's it, just thought I'd share, because I'm bored, and I certainly can't sleep lately...
Good to see you posting...

That's really interesting. I'm sorry about your headaches but the possible psychic dreams is very cool (and I imagine disconcerting for you) Keep us posted!