Oh my,
It's been what, almost a month since I've updated my journal?
Jesus fucking christ...I've been bad.
I'm still working on skeleton kiddies for everyone, and keeping busy with that.
Work FUCKING sucks donkey balls. For several reasons, which I shall list here:
1)Overtime lately, and shit everyone calls in sick, so fucking more and more-today is going to suck asshole.
2)For those of you who may or may not know-my former girlfriend, whom I lost to another-works at the same place-and to top it off, so does the man she left me for-kick fucking ass right?
3)So, with that in mind, both assheads are leaving work early together-and, AND since he doesn't have the fucking seniority required to leave..he's abusing a 'family leave' policy-hence, when she leaves early because she can(as higher seniority people can on occasion), Captain Assface decides he has to use family leave coincedentally at the same time.
4)I have a stalker-a fucking stalker, I shit you not. A girl, whom I have no interest for, or never had any interest for, and whom I will never be with-has decided that I like her. I don't, but she's dillusional to the point of thinking we're going to get married. Huh...fucking eh.
5)Why does she feel this way? Because some of her coworkers 'egg' her on to the idea, or at least that's how it started. It's gotten way put of hand, WAY the fuck out of hand-and I have to take it apparently.
6)So, this was all brought up to my boss yesterday. Not by my choice, but apparently it had gotten so out of hand in her section, that some of her coworkers turned her in. So guess what, i got talked to.
7)And, it was pointed out to me, that perhaps I brought it on myself- because 'I dated someone from work in the past'. Excuse me? No one deserves to be 'stalked' or made uncomfortable at work, for any reason. Granted yes, I dated someone from work-which I something I made the conscience choice to do, and now, have to face those consequences, as uncomfortable as they are-I deal with the best I can-but NO, I do not deserve to be stalked by someone who has no mental concept of what reality is and isn't. I'm serious, this girl is not all together there.
8)SO, I now have the option of having the human resources department start to do an investigation. Which, as much as I would feel guilty of, is my only alternative at this point. I tried the 'talking to her 'egg-oners', teling them it was very inappropriate, and making me uncomfortable, to which they ignored, and continue to egg her on more. So, if there is an investigation-all of these people are at risk.
So yeah, that's my wonderful work life. I have explored the option of other employment, but I'm not having any luck. Essentially, I can deal with my ex and her new jackass boyfriend-as that's partially what I have to deal with. But this whole stalker thing(and I say stalker, because it has been brought to my attention, that's she's follwed me home on a few occasions), is getting way to weird and uncomfortable...
egads, anyway-sorry to depress or annoy you readers, but I had to fucking vent a little bit.
I'm off, to work as a matter of fact...fucking eh...
It's been what, almost a month since I've updated my journal?
Jesus fucking christ...I've been bad.
I'm still working on skeleton kiddies for everyone, and keeping busy with that.
Work FUCKING sucks donkey balls. For several reasons, which I shall list here:
1)Overtime lately, and shit everyone calls in sick, so fucking more and more-today is going to suck asshole.
2)For those of you who may or may not know-my former girlfriend, whom I lost to another-works at the same place-and to top it off, so does the man she left me for-kick fucking ass right?
3)So, with that in mind, both assheads are leaving work early together-and, AND since he doesn't have the fucking seniority required to leave..he's abusing a 'family leave' policy-hence, when she leaves early because she can(as higher seniority people can on occasion), Captain Assface decides he has to use family leave coincedentally at the same time.
4)I have a stalker-a fucking stalker, I shit you not. A girl, whom I have no interest for, or never had any interest for, and whom I will never be with-has decided that I like her. I don't, but she's dillusional to the point of thinking we're going to get married. Huh...fucking eh.
5)Why does she feel this way? Because some of her coworkers 'egg' her on to the idea, or at least that's how it started. It's gotten way put of hand, WAY the fuck out of hand-and I have to take it apparently.
6)So, this was all brought up to my boss yesterday. Not by my choice, but apparently it had gotten so out of hand in her section, that some of her coworkers turned her in. So guess what, i got talked to.
7)And, it was pointed out to me, that perhaps I brought it on myself- because 'I dated someone from work in the past'. Excuse me? No one deserves to be 'stalked' or made uncomfortable at work, for any reason. Granted yes, I dated someone from work-which I something I made the conscience choice to do, and now, have to face those consequences, as uncomfortable as they are-I deal with the best I can-but NO, I do not deserve to be stalked by someone who has no mental concept of what reality is and isn't. I'm serious, this girl is not all together there.
8)SO, I now have the option of having the human resources department start to do an investigation. Which, as much as I would feel guilty of, is my only alternative at this point. I tried the 'talking to her 'egg-oners', teling them it was very inappropriate, and making me uncomfortable, to which they ignored, and continue to egg her on more. So, if there is an investigation-all of these people are at risk.
So yeah, that's my wonderful work life. I have explored the option of other employment, but I'm not having any luck. Essentially, I can deal with my ex and her new jackass boyfriend-as that's partially what I have to deal with. But this whole stalker thing(and I say stalker, because it has been brought to my attention, that's she's follwed me home on a few occasions), is getting way to weird and uncomfortable...
egads, anyway-sorry to depress or annoy you readers, but I had to fucking vent a little bit.
I'm off, to work as a matter of fact...fucking eh...

i just found your journal....your artwork is awesome, esp. those skeleton kids!

Jesus Christ, what a pack of nonsense. I'm sorry. That blows.