Yellow again,
Yeah, that's fucking right, yellow-sound like hello-that's some clever fucking shit right there. Ok, not really, but fuck it. I'm drinking perhaps one of the strongest fucking combinations of Southern Comfort and 7-up I have ever made...and I think I'm a little intoxicated at the moment...
Yeah, confirmed, I am...but so what?
I'm housesitting this week, and it's all right I guess. I'm housesitting for my parents, and oh the joy, I get to do the same for my sister in a couple of weeks to-both have dogs you see, and I'm the designated 'dog watcher'-fucking A mutha fucking plus!
Anywho, I did something today, which is somewhat out of character for me...what is it you may ask? Well you silly bitches, that's for me to know, and no one else, except maybe the person it involves-who doesn't know I was involved...oh, the fucking wonder of it all. Ok, most of you probably stopped reading this after I called you bitches...but let's just say(yeah 'let's', as in LET US-for those of you who like to correct other people's gramatical errors-I assure you that's not one, ok?) Anyway, I don;t think any of you are bitches, you're on my friends list, which means I must like you...and I've drifted way off subject.
Regardless, my New Year's resolution this year puts a smile on my face, and I'll leave it at that. It make's me smile to do it, I do this only once a week, which I'm considering upping if possible or affordable-and no no no It's not sex or fucking pervs...
Huh...I'm really getting loopy, have you seen my friend TUBB yet? He's still missing, and that son of a bitch BlueBear3 foolishly denies his whereabouts...oh Tubb you pink fucker, come back....
He was rumored to be seen as of late in San Francisco, California, though, he may have been bored and left the area by now...if you have seen the little pink frog, please let me you hear me BlueBear3? Yeah, I'm talking to you, son of a bitch...
Anyway, most of my writing is foolish and pointless at this juncture, I'm out...
Yeah, that's fucking right, yellow-sound like hello-that's some clever fucking shit right there. Ok, not really, but fuck it. I'm drinking perhaps one of the strongest fucking combinations of Southern Comfort and 7-up I have ever made...and I think I'm a little intoxicated at the moment...
Yeah, confirmed, I am...but so what?
I'm housesitting this week, and it's all right I guess. I'm housesitting for my parents, and oh the joy, I get to do the same for my sister in a couple of weeks to-both have dogs you see, and I'm the designated 'dog watcher'-fucking A mutha fucking plus!
Anywho, I did something today, which is somewhat out of character for me...what is it you may ask? Well you silly bitches, that's for me to know, and no one else, except maybe the person it involves-who doesn't know I was involved...oh, the fucking wonder of it all. Ok, most of you probably stopped reading this after I called you bitches...but let's just say(yeah 'let's', as in LET US-for those of you who like to correct other people's gramatical errors-I assure you that's not one, ok?) Anyway, I don;t think any of you are bitches, you're on my friends list, which means I must like you...and I've drifted way off subject.
Regardless, my New Year's resolution this year puts a smile on my face, and I'll leave it at that. It make's me smile to do it, I do this only once a week, which I'm considering upping if possible or affordable-and no no no It's not sex or fucking pervs...
Huh...I'm really getting loopy, have you seen my friend TUBB yet? He's still missing, and that son of a bitch BlueBear3 foolishly denies his whereabouts...oh Tubb you pink fucker, come back....
He was rumored to be seen as of late in San Francisco, California, though, he may have been bored and left the area by now...if you have seen the little pink frog, please let me you hear me BlueBear3? Yeah, I'm talking to you, son of a bitch...
Anyway, most of my writing is foolish and pointless at this juncture, I'm out...
Is Tub gonna shoot that shite or can I get in on that.
What the fuck was that jibber jabber don't drink and type