The journal entry, BlueBear3 doesn't want you to see...
Over a year ago, I recieved a gift of a pink frog, named Tubb. BlueBear3, my roommate, has been jealous of Tubb since day day one, and has made several attempts at taking his life away from him.
I got the idea, to set up a camera to catch these attempts-as BlueBear3 denies any such alligations-but according to Tubb, whom I talk to a lot, he says different. Well, a couple of nights ago, Tubb went missing, so I checked my camera, and this is what I found...
Innocent enough right? Wrong, keep scrolling down.
Yeah, that's right poison!
Don't eat it Tubb, don't eat it!
Then Tubb must have realized something tasted funny...
So he must have induced vomitting...
So BlueBear3 tried a different method...
But it looks like Tubb made it to the door...
And managed to escape...
And that's the last I've seen of little Pink Tubb...I miss the little fellow-I hope you're ok little guy...
If you're reading this Tubb, run
Over a year ago, I recieved a gift of a pink frog, named Tubb. BlueBear3, my roommate, has been jealous of Tubb since day day one, and has made several attempts at taking his life away from him.
I got the idea, to set up a camera to catch these attempts-as BlueBear3 denies any such alligations-but according to Tubb, whom I talk to a lot, he says different. Well, a couple of nights ago, Tubb went missing, so I checked my camera, and this is what I found...

Innocent enough right? Wrong, keep scrolling down.

Yeah, that's right poison!


Don't eat it Tubb, don't eat it!

Then Tubb must have realized something tasted funny...

So he must have induced vomitting...

So BlueBear3 tried a different method...

But it looks like Tubb made it to the door...

And managed to escape...

And that's the last I've seen of little Pink Tubb...I miss the little fellow-I hope you're ok little guy...

If you're reading this Tubb, run

happy holidays.
How the heck are you? Merry Holidayween year and all that stuff.