Hi! I wanted to show you the place i was in brittany. It is a house in the village of Plovan very close to the ocean as you can see on the pics. There the air is so sane and pure and the ocean is so refreshing and reinvigorating...We bathed in it and we are proud 'cause the water was so cold(16 degrees)
I enjoyed so much to leave there during my holidays; i love Brittany!!

And so, my set finally went up and now everybody know i love playing with my big clown. At my home he is simply used like a decoration! And yes, he has been rudely stolen by my older brother...Shame on my family!!
It was so funny to do my set with a multi billionaire who smiles constantly...And we know why! This fucking king of hamburger deserved to receive my ass on his face!! Diamonds are a girl's best friend...
