England is lovely
The poor Horton now knows how is it to be a foreigner...
and it is hard..i feel like i can t express my feelings properly you know in french it is easy i can play with the words, choose the right ones which will express the best what i utterly think
but in english i talk like a child and it makes me feel stupid
i feel like i ve lost my poor intelligence....where is it??
i do like writing in english but when i talk to english persons
i lost my words and i look like a trisomic baby
yeah really
am i a shy girl???
am i a sweet puppy scared of life???
But yeah, i do love this country
the weather is cool, i hate heat
i love the landscapes, the houses
and even if it is overcrowded i love london
i went to Camden recently to buy shoes
i ve got a new pair of TUK shoes and new high heels
i ll show you babies
the problem is: life is really expensive here
i am broke and i will have to borrow money
i have not found a job
yeah, you re right i should not have bought shoes but go to camden you ll see, it is so tempting!!!!
and i also went to the hairdresser....silly billy i am
i am back to brunette
i look like amelie poulain but in a whore version
maybe i ll do some gardenning for a cousin to earn some money
but my god, i don t think the result will be fine
i ll try to become edward scissorhands
i don t have any photo, on the next post i hope i ll have some to put
your little jack russell,
The poor Horton now knows how is it to be a foreigner...
and it is hard..i feel like i can t express my feelings properly you know in french it is easy i can play with the words, choose the right ones which will express the best what i utterly think
but in english i talk like a child and it makes me feel stupid
i feel like i ve lost my poor intelligence....where is it??
i do like writing in english but when i talk to english persons
i lost my words and i look like a trisomic baby
yeah really
am i a shy girl???
am i a sweet puppy scared of life???
But yeah, i do love this country
the weather is cool, i hate heat
i love the landscapes, the houses
and even if it is overcrowded i love london
i went to Camden recently to buy shoes
i ve got a new pair of TUK shoes and new high heels
i ll show you babies
the problem is: life is really expensive here
i am broke and i will have to borrow money
i have not found a job
yeah, you re right i should not have bought shoes but go to camden you ll see, it is so tempting!!!!
and i also went to the hairdresser....silly billy i am
i am back to brunette
i look like amelie poulain but in a whore version
maybe i ll do some gardenning for a cousin to earn some money
but my god, i don t think the result will be fine
i ll try to become edward scissorhands
i don t have any photo, on the next post i hope i ll have some to put
your little jack russell,

Stubbs 09/29
ouai c'est vrai quoi, reviens !!!