so im about to embark on a trip to california. 3 weeks. a long trip there, taking our time. it would take about 5 days to get there, but since we're stopping lots of places in the southern USA its gonna take us a bit over 2 weeks. the final few days will actually be spent in cali and then ill fly back to CT.
after this trip i need to set some things into motion.
get EMT certification
apply for the peace corps.
move to canada?
move.....somewhere? NOT in New England
college some more? WHAT????? Psshhhh, doubt it. hmmm, maybe.
thats my now dead bands CD cover art. awe shizzz full house is on!
Aug 4- Aug 26 GONE
after this trip i need to set some things into motion.
get EMT certification
apply for the peace corps.
move to canada?
move.....somewhere? NOT in New England
college some more? WHAT????? Psshhhh, doubt it. hmmm, maybe.

thats my now dead bands CD cover art. awe shizzz full house is on!
Aug 4- Aug 26 GONE
Cali sounds fun. I might be going there in late August to viist a friend in Santa Cruz. Thanks for the birthday comment on myspace. I miss you. I haven't seen you in a while.
i want to move to canada, too.