My grandmother just passed away. She was more like my mother than my mother is. She played the larger role in raising my brother and I. I had to literally talk my employer into giving me a couple of days off for the funeral and for bereavement. In other news I had the same nightmare/hallucination twice last night. It was one of the those "waking...
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I'm sorry to hear about your Grandmother frown grieving is a tough thing to do. I lost my dad last year and had ALL Kinds of weird shit go on. All I can say to help is, it DOES get better. I promise. it's never easy or completely good. But life eventually becomes bearable again. Allow yourself to hurt. it can be refreshing and don't be afraid to enjoy the little bits of happiness that creep it. its OK not to feel like shit 100% of the time.

I hope this helps.
sending love your way.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my set <3
"Life sucks when you're not attractive." News at eleven...frown
I keep having this "recurring" dream. I don't know if it's actually recurring but it has the same features so I guess it is. It takes place in real life (more or less) and I'm about the same age I am now. I'm pretty much financially ruined, my stuff is scattered between two (or three) different houses (none of which are mine) and I'm staying...
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shocked I love hearing about people's dreams. Does that make me wierd?
"Poor people don't matter. They never did. Story at eleven." Fuck rich people in the eye.

it's a sad fact.

the haves consider the have-nots disposable.
Yesterday I actually saw a dark cloud on the horizon as I drove home. I know it's an expression but I actually saw one! I'm hoping it was just a "dark cloud" and not a metaphor for something else. (I couldn't take a picture of it because I was driving.)
I fucking hate people. Some scrawny little hacker cocksmoker got hold of my CC number and tried to open an xbox live account. If I find out who it is this is what's going to happen: A: You will be pistol whipped. B: Your car will be demolished using a variety of tools and then set on fire. (Wishful thinking. This ass handle is probably...
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may your vengeance be brutal.
Everything's fine until you walk past a mirror and ask yourself "Who is that?"
"What's the use in starting anything if you're already finished?"