My grandmother just passed away. She was more like my mother than my mother is. She played the larger role in raising my brother and I. I had to literally talk my employer into giving me a couple of days off for the funeral and for bereavement. In other news I had the same nightmare/hallucination twice last night. It was one of the those "waking...
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"Life sucks when you're not attractive." News at eleven...

I keep having this "recurring" dream. I don't know if it's actually recurring but it has the same features so I guess it is. It takes place in real life (more or less) and I'm about the same age I am now. I'm pretty much financially ruined, my stuff is scattered between two (or three) different houses (none of which are mine) and I'm staying...
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I love hearing about people's dreams. Does that make me wierd?

"Poor people don't matter. They never did. Story at eleven." Fuck rich people in the eye.
it's a sad fact.
the haves consider the have-nots disposable.
it's a sad fact.
the haves consider the have-nots disposable.
Yesterday I actually saw a dark cloud on the horizon as I drove home. I know it's an expression but I actually saw one! I'm hoping it was just a "dark cloud" and not a metaphor for something else. (I couldn't take a picture of it because I was driving.)
I fucking hate people. Some scrawny little hacker cocksmoker got hold of my CC number and tried to open an xbox live account. If I find out who it is this is what's going to happen: A: You will be pistol whipped. B: Your car will be demolished using a variety of tools and then set on fire. (Wishful thinking. This ass handle is probably...
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may your vengeance be brutal.
Everything's fine until you walk past a mirror and ask yourself "Who is that?"
"What's the use in starting anything if you're already finished?"
Yeah. Pretty much just fuck everything.
I hope this helps.
sending love your way.