Can I get fired if I say on Facebook that "I hate my fucking life but I especially hate my fucking job."? Probably. They don't even need a fucking reason anymore.
Seriously, fuck itunes in the ass with a pineapple. Why the fuck do I have to change my password again? The program keeps telling me it's not allowed through the firewall or some shit. I didn't fucking change anything!!! That's precisely fucking why, because I don't like having to remember a bunch of complicated ass passwords!!! I'm seriously thinking of going all Windows for my...
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I feel like my grandfather just died again. Ray Bradbury was, is and always shall be a God. May the greatest science fiction writer in history and the author of my childhood nightmares and fantasies rest in peace...
"I've been betrayed by frogs!"
To beautiful people who moan and bitch and complain about their lives: Try being me for a while. Try and have all the same human difficulties, the same trials and tribulations, the same uphill battle that being human is, except that you're ugly. Life is easier when people give you things just for being you...
that's a terrible thing to say about yourself. there is nothing wrong with your looks. chin up.
We're not all equal. That's a very nice thing to say but you've never seen me. I have.
I tried to e-file my tax return today. It turns out that someone stole my SSN and filed a fraudulent return using my information. I'm beyond enraged. If I had what I wanted right now it would be a very short list that would go something like this: The meth-addict/child-fucker who stole my SSN, one of those clear plastic raincoats, duct tape, some of my...
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Ouch. That sounds like a suck-y Sunday. I hope you get it all sorted out soon!
It's easter. Time to fuck and make more bunnies, or, something...
That was such a nice comment <3 Thank you!
Yeah. I shoud drink more.
"You talk to it! I'm not going anywhere near that thing!"