OK, here's what I think: Doctors and other HCPs who are pro-choice should start shooting back. Normally, I am all for any kind of gun control because, let's face it, too many people who are well beyond what I like to refer to as "bug-fucking crazy" have (and can easily get) guns. There was this episode of Masters of Horror by John Carpenter called "Pro-Life" that featured a doc who wore a bulletproof vest to work and kept a small arsenal in his office. That's fucking awsome! Maybe Dr. Tiller could have at least shot back if he'd had something underneath his jacket. (Not usually done in Church, but that's neither here nor there.) Sure, it might escalate the violence over an issue that is quickly losing it's value in terms of political capitol, but so far it's been a disappointingly one-sided affair. Personally, I've always wanted to run this crusty old bitch over who protests my local clinic. She's about 130 years old and rain or shine, she spends most of her days (I'm guessing here) pushing around a stroller full of dead baby pictures in order to try and gently persuade already distraught women not to get abortions. (Is it just me, or is that more than just a little bit creepy?) No great loss there. My point is: Get over it people, trust women to be able to make up their own minds on this.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday !