Here's a riddle for you: Who's got two thumbs and is ready to punch somebody? This guy!!! Oh, and by the way: Do not buy anything from Symantec. Why, you ask? Because their service and their software suck, that's why! What you think you get when you pay for their software: "Gee, I just paid a lot of money, I won't have to worry about computer viruses for a whole year!" What you actually get: Program crashes about two months into your subscription, you connect to online chat support and some asshole from India tell s you to re-install your software. (Here's a clue: You can't remove norton antivirus.) So, said asshole from India takes control of my machine and starts fucking with program registries and directories that I (as the owner of the system) don't even have access to! Long story short: The shit works (for now) after some asshole I don't know went in and fucked with shit that wasn't supposed to be fucked with. I sent them my CD after finding out that was the only way to get my money back (isn't the CD worthless without some kind of activation code?). Somehow, I'm not very optimistic about getting my money back. (Please wait 4-6 weeks for refund to be processed.)
F U C K S Y M A N T E C A N D N O R T O N A N T I V I R U S ! ! !
F U C K S Y M A N T E C A N D N O R T O N A N T I V I R U S ! ! !
Thanks for your comment on my set in member review, you know that every little comment helps! I appreciate it!
thanks hun, glad you liked it! ![kiss](