Hi all. Well Im all moved now. I have moved into my nanna's house with my guy and she has moved in with my mam. I know this sounds completely weird but I have been on the housing list here for over 3 years and have heard nada. So I am trying to start up my own business and my nanna hasnt been well recently so she agreed we could live here for a year as long as we pay the bills. It is NOT permanent. I am not taking my nanna's house from her. And if my family knew my nanna at all they'd know she is strong and will not be walked all over.
Anyway, certain members of my family have freaked out about this. And quite frankly it has absolutely nothing to do with any of them. I didnt even ask for this my mam suggested it and it has benefited us all. Basically my auntie has kicked off about it because she says I have managed to get my own way yet again. She is bitter and jealous because my family gives me things she cant give her kids. I have never wanted for anything in my life and I know if Im ever in need of anything I have a family who will always try to help me out. Can I ask why this is wrong? I cant help the fact that my family wants to see me happy. I dont understand how someone can be so bitter about another family member getting help in life. Im the first to admit that I am spoilt and I completely appreciate it. I dont stamp my feet to get things and I very rarely ask for anything from people. When I borrow money I always pay it back and I never intend to hurt anyone.
They have said that my nanna wont get her flat back. They think Im a fucking selfish little bitch who would just put my nanna out of her house and claim it as my own. This will never be my flat. I am not redecorating I have just brought my personal possesions so I can feel as comfortable as possible for the next year. A year is a long time to live in someone elses house. Just because their loser son is happy to scrounge off everyone and live in other peoples houses never paying for one thing doesnt mean we are all like that!!! I cannot believe they are tarring me with the same brush. They havent even sat down and asked us what is going on and why. I wouldnt mind explaining things at all as I realise this whole thing is sudden and is not an everyday occurance. They... well she then suggested I wouldnt pay the bills. So she thinks I am going to use the electric and gas, the phone, TV everything with no intention of paying!!! I would just ALLOW my nanna to pay for me??? I am so angry that these accusations are being thrown at me before I have even had a chance to prove that I am responsable.
All of this has been said apparently out of concern for my nanna. HA! If they are so concerned about her well being how come they said it would have been lovely for their son to live here instead of me? Is that concern? No you expect my nanna to move out so your son can have ANOTHER house to let go to waste... he wouldnt pay the bills, And we know this because he has already had a house of his own which he didnt even take care of. If I had been offered a house like that I would not have needed to do this.
We didnt criticize when you left your children to move to the country. Your kids didnt even have jobs at the time and you left them in charge of a house.
Argh!!! Im so angry, on top of it all my supposed friend agreed that it would be nice for my cousin to have the flat (she is his girlfriend, Apparently.) They dont seem to understand that my nanna was doing me and my mam a favour. She wasnt just offering her house for anyone! And my auntie turned round and said well Ashleigh and wendy (my mam) have landed on their feet, Ashleigh has a house and Wendy has a free cleaner!!!! I am fucking appalled at these comments. Suggesting we are just fucking using my nanna because its appropriate for us!!! How fucking dare she say that. At the end of the day I cant be arsed with their drama. Im not speaking to any of them. I want a fucking heart felt apology before I even consider talking to any of them. My aunty just controls everything. And clearly it has pissed her off that we havent consulted her first. Well fuck that its got zero to do with her and the sooner she realises it the better. My mam and my nanna deserve apologies for her comments. And I couldnt give a shit Im so angry right now. People should take a good long look at themselves before judging every fucker else!!!
In other news I had my college interview, The guy wasnt giving anything away but I should get a letter soon telling me whether Im in or not. I also handed my work in for college. My final show is the 4th july. I will post some pics of the flat soonish. I had my mam and nanna round for a meal last night. I made everything from scratch except the bread... I didnt have that much time but yeah, I made tomato soup with tiger loaf and cheese, Citrus chicken and roasted pepper paninni's with roast garlic potatoes and garlic mushrooms, and velvet chocolate torte with raspberry coulis and cream. It was GORGEOUS!!! I was very proud of my little self. I did burn my thumb though
But yeah we talked about the above situation and hopefully they will sort it out amongst themselves while I sit and stew... haha. We had a lovely night anyway. And now Im gonna go bake some cookies! Bye!!!
Anyway, certain members of my family have freaked out about this. And quite frankly it has absolutely nothing to do with any of them. I didnt even ask for this my mam suggested it and it has benefited us all. Basically my auntie has kicked off about it because she says I have managed to get my own way yet again. She is bitter and jealous because my family gives me things she cant give her kids. I have never wanted for anything in my life and I know if Im ever in need of anything I have a family who will always try to help me out. Can I ask why this is wrong? I cant help the fact that my family wants to see me happy. I dont understand how someone can be so bitter about another family member getting help in life. Im the first to admit that I am spoilt and I completely appreciate it. I dont stamp my feet to get things and I very rarely ask for anything from people. When I borrow money I always pay it back and I never intend to hurt anyone.
They have said that my nanna wont get her flat back. They think Im a fucking selfish little bitch who would just put my nanna out of her house and claim it as my own. This will never be my flat. I am not redecorating I have just brought my personal possesions so I can feel as comfortable as possible for the next year. A year is a long time to live in someone elses house. Just because their loser son is happy to scrounge off everyone and live in other peoples houses never paying for one thing doesnt mean we are all like that!!! I cannot believe they are tarring me with the same brush. They havent even sat down and asked us what is going on and why. I wouldnt mind explaining things at all as I realise this whole thing is sudden and is not an everyday occurance. They... well she then suggested I wouldnt pay the bills. So she thinks I am going to use the electric and gas, the phone, TV everything with no intention of paying!!! I would just ALLOW my nanna to pay for me??? I am so angry that these accusations are being thrown at me before I have even had a chance to prove that I am responsable.
All of this has been said apparently out of concern for my nanna. HA! If they are so concerned about her well being how come they said it would have been lovely for their son to live here instead of me? Is that concern? No you expect my nanna to move out so your son can have ANOTHER house to let go to waste... he wouldnt pay the bills, And we know this because he has already had a house of his own which he didnt even take care of. If I had been offered a house like that I would not have needed to do this.
We didnt criticize when you left your children to move to the country. Your kids didnt even have jobs at the time and you left them in charge of a house.
Argh!!! Im so angry, on top of it all my supposed friend agreed that it would be nice for my cousin to have the flat (she is his girlfriend, Apparently.) They dont seem to understand that my nanna was doing me and my mam a favour. She wasnt just offering her house for anyone! And my auntie turned round and said well Ashleigh and wendy (my mam) have landed on their feet, Ashleigh has a house and Wendy has a free cleaner!!!! I am fucking appalled at these comments. Suggesting we are just fucking using my nanna because its appropriate for us!!! How fucking dare she say that. At the end of the day I cant be arsed with their drama. Im not speaking to any of them. I want a fucking heart felt apology before I even consider talking to any of them. My aunty just controls everything. And clearly it has pissed her off that we havent consulted her first. Well fuck that its got zero to do with her and the sooner she realises it the better. My mam and my nanna deserve apologies for her comments. And I couldnt give a shit Im so angry right now. People should take a good long look at themselves before judging every fucker else!!!
In other news I had my college interview, The guy wasnt giving anything away but I should get a letter soon telling me whether Im in or not. I also handed my work in for college. My final show is the 4th july. I will post some pics of the flat soonish. I had my mam and nanna round for a meal last night. I made everything from scratch except the bread... I didnt have that much time but yeah, I made tomato soup with tiger loaf and cheese, Citrus chicken and roasted pepper paninni's with roast garlic potatoes and garlic mushrooms, and velvet chocolate torte with raspberry coulis and cream. It was GORGEOUS!!! I was very proud of my little self. I did burn my thumb though

No I love it!
I am sorry I have to catch up on my ebay feedback!!
But I adore it!
Jealousy, and the knowledge that you are a better person than they are, is the driving force behind their accusations and nastiness. Don't waste your wonderful energy on it. They should however, apologize to your nan for assuming so little of her. The best you can do is simply prove them wrong love!!