Hey dolls! well Im certainly a busy bee... haha. I have decided that Im re-doing my whole sketchbook for college which is basically all my work. It wasnt neat or organized enough and Im shitting it for this interview Im gonna have soon. Hopefully it will be with Stuart Langford who I had my last interview with. Anyway Im starting to regret my decision to re-do everything coz I have 3 weeks left of college and I havent even started my final project, I know what Im doing but I need to get everything together and go to the studio to shoot it.
Anyway what have I been upto while I disappeared from SG??? Well last thursday I went to the beach to take some photo's. Got some nice ones. All the blossom is on the trees and was falling everywhere. Beautiful! Friday was Toms 21st birthday. We went for a lovely meal with his gran to Frankie & Bennies... mmmm.... Saturday was college. I stayed in all day to get as much done as possible. Sunday I started my sketchbook. Monday we arranged to start with inbiz and it will start next tuesday (good timing!) Then we went to Newcastle for a bite to eat and bought Guildwars factions!!! Im already addicted. And am allowed to be coz I ran out of pritt-stick for my sketchbook anyway! so I am getting glue tonight and will work hard into the early hours!
Thats pretty much all I have been upto. Oh and my Elvis fabric has arrived so I will be creating soon. As soon as I can relax with my college work-a-thon! Also I dyed my hair again... I like it, Its blonde on top and pink underneath. I did it all by myself and it was bloody hard. I had a pink neck and shoulders afterwards. oomph!
Well Im off so hope alls well in the land of SG!
Anyway what have I been upto while I disappeared from SG??? Well last thursday I went to the beach to take some photo's. Got some nice ones. All the blossom is on the trees and was falling everywhere. Beautiful! Friday was Toms 21st birthday. We went for a lovely meal with his gran to Frankie & Bennies... mmmm.... Saturday was college. I stayed in all day to get as much done as possible. Sunday I started my sketchbook. Monday we arranged to start with inbiz and it will start next tuesday (good timing!) Then we went to Newcastle for a bite to eat and bought Guildwars factions!!! Im already addicted. And am allowed to be coz I ran out of pritt-stick for my sketchbook anyway! so I am getting glue tonight and will work hard into the early hours!

Thats pretty much all I have been upto. Oh and my Elvis fabric has arrived so I will be creating soon. As soon as I can relax with my college work-a-thon! Also I dyed my hair again... I like it, Its blonde on top and pink underneath. I did it all by myself and it was bloody hard. I had a pink neck and shoulders afterwards. oomph!

Well Im off so hope alls well in the land of SG!

and i cant wait to see which fabolous things youll make out of this elvis fabric!!
show us your hair!