My answers to the 13 questions....
I:What Horror Flik Character do YOU identify with?
This is a hard question... As soon as they put a girl in a horror movie who doesnt just run round screaming and actually stabs the bastard then I'll relate!!!
II: What is your Favorite sub-Genre in Horror films?
I absolutely love japanese horror movies, I like the way they confuse the shit out of you... They are kinda fucked up.
Also I think the japanese have way more imagination when it comes to horror... It doesnt have to be believable it just has to be messed up.
III:What is your absolute favorite flik from that sub-genre?
A tale of two sisters, I still dont completely understand what I watched but it messed with my head and I loved it!
IV:What was the very last Horror Movie that you saw? AND, What did you personally think of it? I saw final destination 3 lastnight and it was absolutely shit! There was no point in the whole damn movie... But a few of the shitty death scenes were funny.... so there was that.
V:How many Horror Fliks do you watch in a day? a week? a month? (whatever is appropriate) and do you collect them? jeez I dunno, I love hammer horror and they are on TV almost every weekend so I always watch those.... I collect japanese horror films and other faves, But I would love to collect on a bigger scale... If I had the cash
VI:Favorite Horror Author in Literary or screenplays? I dont read horror novels... I probably should coz I'd like them but I dont.
VII:What was THEE very first Horror film you saw? and How old were you? Ive grown up watching horror movies, I was probably too young to remember my first! I remember a lot of Peter Cushing flicks and Vincent price when I was young... Im a sucker for old vampire flicks!
VIII:What is your absolute Favorite All-Time Monster/Villian in a Horror flik or even Book? Gotta be the misunderstood monster of DR Frankenstein... aww
IX:Why do you wish to be A member of THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY, as opposed to The 'Popular' Horror group? (We strive to be the weird, unpopular, scary kids in a corner, as opposed to the popular ones!) Well its always good to learn more about what you love! I hope you guys can teach me a thing or two!
X: Is there ANYmore Facets of Horror in your life that is not mentioned in your profile? nope
XI:Example: You MUST post your very first Topic....What would it be?(Think and remember on this one, that most of us eat, live, shit, and breathe Horror, So make it a good example!) Jeez no pressure eh? I dunno I'll have to think about it!
XII:What level of confidence do you have in your knowledge and interests in Horror, and all things that go with it? Im no expert but I'd like to be
I just love horror... So yeah...
XIII:Now, Do you STILL wish to join??
Yeah please...
I:What Horror Flik Character do YOU identify with?
This is a hard question... As soon as they put a girl in a horror movie who doesnt just run round screaming and actually stabs the bastard then I'll relate!!!
II: What is your Favorite sub-Genre in Horror films?
I absolutely love japanese horror movies, I like the way they confuse the shit out of you... They are kinda fucked up.

III:What is your absolute favorite flik from that sub-genre?
A tale of two sisters, I still dont completely understand what I watched but it messed with my head and I loved it!
IV:What was the very last Horror Movie that you saw? AND, What did you personally think of it? I saw final destination 3 lastnight and it was absolutely shit! There was no point in the whole damn movie... But a few of the shitty death scenes were funny.... so there was that.
V:How many Horror Fliks do you watch in a day? a week? a month? (whatever is appropriate) and do you collect them? jeez I dunno, I love hammer horror and they are on TV almost every weekend so I always watch those.... I collect japanese horror films and other faves, But I would love to collect on a bigger scale... If I had the cash

VI:Favorite Horror Author in Literary or screenplays? I dont read horror novels... I probably should coz I'd like them but I dont.
VII:What was THEE very first Horror film you saw? and How old were you? Ive grown up watching horror movies, I was probably too young to remember my first! I remember a lot of Peter Cushing flicks and Vincent price when I was young... Im a sucker for old vampire flicks!
VIII:What is your absolute Favorite All-Time Monster/Villian in a Horror flik or even Book? Gotta be the misunderstood monster of DR Frankenstein... aww
IX:Why do you wish to be A member of THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY, as opposed to The 'Popular' Horror group? (We strive to be the weird, unpopular, scary kids in a corner, as opposed to the popular ones!) Well its always good to learn more about what you love! I hope you guys can teach me a thing or two!

X: Is there ANYmore Facets of Horror in your life that is not mentioned in your profile? nope
XI:Example: You MUST post your very first Topic....What would it be?(Think and remember on this one, that most of us eat, live, shit, and breathe Horror, So make it a good example!) Jeez no pressure eh? I dunno I'll have to think about it!
XII:What level of confidence do you have in your knowledge and interests in Horror, and all things that go with it? Im no expert but I'd like to be

XIII:Now, Do you STILL wish to join??

Ack...Did I not say that we had a place for this IN the room?
*thinks hard , tries to remember and drools*
WOW! Um...wouldya like to cut and paste em for the rest of our family in the 'APPLICANTS HERE: THE 13 QUESTIONS' inside The Abominable Apothecary, (Cause they are really great, and awesome and need to be seen!)
Plus? That is where everyone else has done em...Its like our little blackmail thing goin on...
Happy Pasting and copying!!I would do it for ya hon, but then there may be scandal!
(Oh yeah....WELCOME!btw!)
Stop by for a spell....
[Edited on Apr 15, 2006 2:58PM]