Some of my favourite ladies on this site have great recent sets you may have not seen so I thought I would compile a few here
First of all @zen has a new set Eat Your Heart Out shot by @seitan
@thumper released Ocean Eyes shot by @courage
Next @niffler released Hot Like Gochujang shot by @two
@ivee released Elbows Off The Table shot by the afore mentioned @niffler
And lastly for now @mar has a new set Paint My Soul shot by @mousse
That's it for now. Five lovely ladies with great sets. If you haven't already checked them out please do and leave them some love. One of the things I like best about these are that they were all shot by models themselves who now have branched out into photography. Or in the case of @zen a photographer who thankfully for us finally became a model also.
I'll try to make posts like this periodically with the hope of introducing some of my favourite models and photographers to others who may not be familiar with them. Do yourself a favour and check out these beautiful ladies other sets. Who are some of your favourite models?