1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I don’t have one, my hair, such as it is, is literally less than an inch long
2. Name a food you never ever eat:
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I don’t like extremes of temperature but to be honest if its too cold at least you can put more clothes on
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Looking at CNN I believe
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
I am not big on sweets, probably a Butterfinger
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
I’ve got to call my brother back
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
I don’t eat a lot of iceream, probably the one that is a mix of vanilla and orange sherbert
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
10. Do you like your wallet?
It’s fine
11. What was the last thing you ate?
A cheese scone
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
13. The last sporting event you watched?
A rugby game, a couple of years back, I’m not a big sports fan
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
A guy in the job offering condolences after a member of his Department died at a fire
16. Ever go camping?
Yes, but not in years
17. Do you take vitamins?
I used to, I should be
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
No, I despise organized religion
19. Do you have a tan?
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
Sometimes, doesn’t matter
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
Anything but black, I’m throwing out all my black socks when I retire
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
Yes, professionally once
24. What terrifies me?
Not a lot anymore
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
Some art I bought
26. What chore do you hate?
Cleaning the bathroom
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
28. What’s your favorite soda?
Diet Pepsi
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Drive thru – haven’t been inside a restaurant since Covid
30. What is your favorite number?
31. Who's the last person you talked to?
My wife
32. Favorite cut of beef?
33. Last song you listened to?
Pinball Wizard by The Who
34. Last book you read?
Run by Blake Crouch
35. Favorite day of the week?
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Sure: eht tebahpla
37. How do you like your coffee?
38. Favorite pair of shoes?
39. Time you normally go to bed?
12:30 am
40. Time you normally get up?
7am. For another 21 days, then I retire
41. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
Sunrise. It’s the promise of a new day
42. How many blankets on your bed?
1 in summer, 2 in winter
43. Describe your kitchen plates?
A mix, we use a lot of bamboo for everyday
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
I have;t had a drink in more than 30 years
45. Do you play cards?
Not in years
46. What color is your car?
Orange, I love it
47. Can you change a tire?
48. Your favorite state?
49. Favorite job you ever had?
50. How did you get your biggest scar?
Fell through a roof