today i met a man with sleestack hands. . he was very nice. . i asked him for employment.
dressed to depress
i shoulder a purse
or 2

a stab at your generation
unwilling to descry
the nitty-gritty

willing to bless
the whole enchilada
about a month ago , we got . .stupid dog!

stupid dog was ok but he's perdy big, so we sent to him to stupid dog training school so that he wouldn't jump on everybody. . and such. .

well, now he's back and now stupid dog . . won't do a damn thing unless you give him a treat. .

stupid dog school was...
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i forgot to add my application fee to get my pharm tech license .. frown

i guess it'll be another month or so now. .
i hear there's some uproar with some sg's feeling like they're getting exploited on this site. .

and i have to wonder why any girl posing here would feel empowered by it. .

and if they do. . what does that really mean?

i don't know . maybe someone can tell me. .

i feel lucky when i see 1 girl with a black-eye or...
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another blast from the past. .
when i was about 16 or so me and my friend sanders decided to hitch hike to hollywood from orcutt .. to go see the flower leperds with 8 bucks between us and 15 hits of acid to sell ..

seemed like a good idea at the time. .

our first ride was a female cal-poly student in a...
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when i was 13 i had 2 best-friends, missy and becky. they were a coupla years older than me so as a result i got to go to punk shows and keggers at a relatively early age. by the time i was 14 i was perdy much in the thick of things. one night the cops busted up a party at the beach and me...
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yeah for the mexican'ts...

if i was your jp officer i would've laughed.
thanks for all the warm fuzzies
the kid's coming over this weekend. . i always set up my netflix dvd's so that we have something interesting to watch.
this weekend it will be . .mad monster party. .an old fave . .if you haven't seen it check it out . . a movie called little otik? i believe . . it should be fun . . and a japanese movie about...
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have fun with the kid, and have a good weekend. smile wink
this 18 yr old girl comes into the store all the time and asks me to sell her booze (which i never do because the right offer never comes, so to speak) so, she looks over at my 88' 89' honda civic (i'm not sure what year it is) and says,
"is that your pimp ride?" and laughs.
so i say
" do you know...
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snuggles is a friend from p-town,...his name is not cris.

i'm sure suzie sugar has plenty of plans for her future purchass of pimp rides and plenty of booze

congrats on the pharm tech program thats awsome...maybe you .can do my hemistry homework.

glad i got to make you smile...i get a little fuzzy just thinking about you too smile
my 14 yr. old tells me the other day, he wants to be Hedwig for Halloween. . eeek
i tell him it's a bad idea. he'd have to shave his eyebrows and besides we don't know anyone that can do make-up that well. although he can play (guitar) and sing almost every song on the soundtrack. I told him most of the songs are piano based...
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i can't fuckin belive it. its good to see your back!!! i guess i won't sell all my stuff and move to anarctica. how the hell have you been?

...at least he wanted to be hedwig, a musically inclined transgendered person,...and not like ru paul.

soo glad your back.