Okay... I don't know what the fuck just happened but my profile just got wiped clean, and now I've got to go and put all that crap back in. This has just been a bad day all round for me. 
That was such a pain in the ass. I just did that like, two days ago. At least it's pretty much the same. To...
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That was such a pain in the ass. I just did that like, two days ago. At least it's pretty much the same. To...
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Well, it finally happened. My life, against all odds, got worse. I now have no running water. No more showers. v.v I don't like bitching this much, but SONOFABITCH! I still have just under two months left of this shithole country. Also one more small gripe on top of that, my webcam only takes pictures in PNG with it's default software so I have to...
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Anyone who has seen the movie Groundhog Day can understand the type of bullshit that I've been dealing with for the major part of this year. I wake up, take a shower, eat shitty food, go to work for twelve hours, go back to my room, dick around on the internet until sleep, repeat. Sadly, the fact that it's almost over is exaserbaiting the problem....
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For the last 10 months I've been trapped here in Iraq. This isn't a new thing for me. In fact, this is my third time here. I've gotten used to the jarring disconnect from society, and the bone jarring fear that comes with being in imminent danger every single day. I learned early on in my career how to emotionally distance myself from my circumstance,...
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well hello and welcome. im new here my self and i must say i love it. great place. looks like you've got great taste by your faves, and im partial to the number seven so why is it in your name?
what the temp like where you are these days?
what the temp like where you are these days?