I've been studying a lot of New Age spiritualism, and the beliefs behind extraterrestrials. Most people don't think that there is any kind of correlation between the two. I've recently come across a young New Age philosopher named Jordan Duchnycz, and his presentation of Spirit Science on Youtube, and New Grounds has really peaked my interest. The Videos themselves pretty much ape, The Escapists Extra Credits series about the Video Game medium. But the subject matter presented in Spirit Science is almost what I would call Earth Shattering.
There's thirteen videos.
This is the first:
and the second:
It's some really great stuff, and can be life altering if approached with an open mind. I love new philosophies. Sharing them, and learning about more of them.
On a more artsy, mucho music lovey note. I've been puttering around my old Newgrounds account and have been enjoying some of my old favorite music videos. Titanomachina Is actually a "brand new" to me discovery. While;
Walk-Smash-Walk Is an old favorite. I'll probably add more later.
Not that anyone actually ever reads this.
Hmm. Didn't you go away for a while?