I expected my freedom to happen this week. Mother fuckers and their paperwork post-poned everything until I can finalize some bullshit because I'm an NCO. Until this crap goes through I'm trapped like a slave. In hopes that it is not forever who toil in forever and wait until their shackles can be... Read More
I've been studying a lot of New Age spiritualism, and the beliefs behind extraterrestrials. Most people don't think that there is any kind of correlation between the two. I've recently come across a young New Age philosopher named Jordan Duchnycz, and his presentation of Spirit Science on Youtube, and New Grounds has really peaked my interest. The Videos themselves pretty much ape, The Escapists Extra... Read More
I am two months out. Got my freedom paper today. Ending a 8 year stint in the Army and am about to reclaim my humanity and rejoin the world of the living. One day, I will be Mandalore, and I will lead my people to freedom. Being in the Army kept me under a glass ceiling. Telling me I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't... Read More
My dalliance with this site has been fun, and I've met many cool people. But I'm going home now, and I really won't have time for online stuff anymore. Maybe someday in the future, when things are slower, and my life isn't going 100 miles an hour I'll be back. I'll miss you awesome people. You know who you are.
The Onion; Awesome, just like the devil. Convincing the entire world's population of morons that you're for real
I laughed so hard when I read all the peoples responses to this, saying how bad they felt for this girl. I really needed to see something like this today. Thank you Stumble Upon. You're the shit.
These people give me hope for mankind, why can't they... Read More
I try not to presume too much, and not pass off opportunities to learn something about the world, or myself. But I thought I really did understand how insane war was. Until the first time I read this, an excerpt from Slaughter House Five;
Beautiful. I can appreciate the sentiments here -- the frustration and the urging. Someone with these ideals [and I consider myself to be at least in this vein] tends to cling to them and tends to always strain his voice in the same way.
And it's a refreshing sound to me.
I kind of feel the same way about being sad -- but not even for the contrast of being happy. I just think it feels kind of sobering. I feel very crystalline.