I woke up this morning thinking deeply about status and pride and how much it affects people and the world in such negative ways...but now I dont feel like blogging about it sooooo:
Right now I'm eating a giant sugar cookie that looks like a strawberry. It's actually not too great, but it's so damn cute. If Mike didn't steal my camera I'd take a picture of it and show you and then you would die of sugar cookie cuteness...or not.

The building I work is being overrun by mice. Several years ago we didn't have any, and then last year they started appearing every few months. Now we see them almost daily. My boss put out a mouse trap and I came to work one day to find a smashed mouse head and had a fit. I set off all the traps I could find. Everyone I work with thinks im nuts. They say things to me like "Mice carry diseases." And "How do you think people got plagues?" I've had several mice trapped so I could catch them, but I let them get away each time. So, I found this site that has humane mice traps. I'm going to order several, buy a cage and start transporting the little suckers somewhereonly where should I take them?? Its so cold outside! I told my boss we could get a giant aquarium and start a mouse farm. I'd put a circus looking sign on it that says "Don't pet the mice!" and "Beware of THE plague." Or, it could be a mouse soap opera. 'Can you believe little Furryhead got both Peaches and Fuzzy pregnant??' Or...'Rocky killed and ate Spike last night! He's going to be exiled to the cannibal mouse house.'
ErmmI think I've been playing too much Animal Crossing lately.
Guess what i named my person in animal crossing.
shocking isnt it.
I often I walk around the house singing songs, but instead of singng the lyrics i say "Ham" "hammie" or "hammers" in place of them. Now ALL my cats think their name is Hammie. So when I call Ham, they all come to me!
Mike hates me for it too. He thinks i'm annoying. Kasif.
Right now I'm eating a giant sugar cookie that looks like a strawberry. It's actually not too great, but it's so damn cute. If Mike didn't steal my camera I'd take a picture of it and show you and then you would die of sugar cookie cuteness...or not.

The building I work is being overrun by mice. Several years ago we didn't have any, and then last year they started appearing every few months. Now we see them almost daily. My boss put out a mouse trap and I came to work one day to find a smashed mouse head and had a fit. I set off all the traps I could find. Everyone I work with thinks im nuts. They say things to me like "Mice carry diseases." And "How do you think people got plagues?" I've had several mice trapped so I could catch them, but I let them get away each time. So, I found this site that has humane mice traps. I'm going to order several, buy a cage and start transporting the little suckers somewhereonly where should I take them?? Its so cold outside! I told my boss we could get a giant aquarium and start a mouse farm. I'd put a circus looking sign on it that says "Don't pet the mice!" and "Beware of THE plague." Or, it could be a mouse soap opera. 'Can you believe little Furryhead got both Peaches and Fuzzy pregnant??' Or...'Rocky killed and ate Spike last night! He's going to be exiled to the cannibal mouse house.'
ErmmI think I've been playing too much Animal Crossing lately.
Guess what i named my person in animal crossing.

shocking isnt it.
I often I walk around the house singing songs, but instead of singng the lyrics i say "Ham" "hammie" or "hammers" in place of them. Now ALL my cats think their name is Hammie. So when I call Ham, they all come to me!

Mike hates me for it too. He thinks i'm annoying. Kasif.
i can't even find my copy now