Yesterday I arrived home mucho relievedo and a tad exited having made it home in time for the little trick or treaters. I always enjoy seeing all the children dressed up, but honestly, what a bunch of little shit heads. Most of the kids didnt even say trick or treat They just stood there with smug looks on their faces and held their bags open. No Thank Yous either. To the ones that were polite I gave a handful of candy. To the others, only one piece. Also I noticed so many kids that just looked bored to death to be out trick or treating. When I was a kid I used to smile and laugh and run about the neighborhood with such extreme excitement. Whats wrong with kids these days?
Okay enough of that. I sound like a sour old woman.
I made empanadas for the first time last night. I officially hate using won ton wrappers right now. What a pain in the ass to make, but damn they were GOOD, and extremely low fat. I also made these black bean burritos. Stupid me didnt know that chipotle peppers in adobo sauce are actually quite spicy hot. Woops. Who knew?

we ain't jived fo eva baby.
fo eva eva.