Jason Grant February 19 at 7:48pm
Young dayton woman tragically chokes on ricola. Cats in peril
Amber Frazier February 19 at 7:57pm
Tragic. "Herd of cats, deemed to forget their lost love, feast on the vessel of what was their former adoptive mother. Unknown to them, a small chunk of the popular cough suppressant, known as Ricola, was actually wedged in the throat of... Read More
So Mike had an interview in Detroit on Tuesday. It's to be the Midwest sells rep for Stone Brewing co. If they liked him then he will be one of two people flying to San Diego for the last interview. They will be calling April 1st to let him know. It's a little exciting and a little nerve wracking. I have mixed feelings about him... Read More
So I've been trying my best to think positively about the current work situation.
There has been lots of closed door conversations around here today.
The bosses wife and co-owner has decided she will step down at the company and leave him in charge of everything. I've been told I will be taking over a majority of her work and what I cannot get done... Read More
I just remembered how close you are to Dtown. Yeah, detroit is like the arm pit of America... I think Gary, Indiana is the asshole... errrr maybe Wash D.C.
Dats kewl... how'd the interview go? Are you going to move to Detroit... omg, you're moiving to Detroit and you weren't even going to tell me. You are moving to the arm pit of America and you weren't going to say anything! ...j/ks
I was up super late so I'm just trying to awaken here... ugh need ooffee...
Did you check out any good brew places?
I finished an in-store POS display for that client and they really liked it so they want me to put together their regional sales marketing presentation now, and a bunch of 3 on 3 tournament collateral... I'm just stoked cuz I can charge big money and do the creative how I want... I don't normally get to do that. Thanks babs...
Geeez crise, it's 62 degrees here today... but thundering and raining...
I have this stuff called Benetint that I use as a blush, but I just heard on the radio morning show I listen to that people are starting to use it as a nipple tint! Interesting. Benetit!
I just got a call from the account that does my taxes every year with my return amount. That really put me in a... Read More
I woke up at 5 am today at the sound of hail storming down on the house. It made me very bright eyed because it almost sounded as though the house was going to topple over at any given minute. I listened to it for about 30 minutes until I feel back asleep. When I woke up I had completely forgotten about it until I... Read More
What a weird day... I hope you got to enjoy your evening after a shite day. It snowed like a mofo here for a few hours this afternoon, like a foot probably and now it's pouring rain... it's been thundering all evening/night.
Those candies look kinda yummy... I don't think we have them up here.
I decided to stay at Sam's cuz of the weather so I won't start organizing till tomorrow I guess. Kind of annoying situation already with my roommate... I was excited to have my privacy and shite and he's had this chick he just started seeing over every night since he moved in. Actually ditched out helping me move the last couple truckloads of my stuff to see her last night. gHaywad.
We lost internet and cable for 2 days, probably the same weather front that you guys had. The sidewalks here are just sheets of ice mostly...
I'm very sloooowly moving into my place as far as setting things up... I started painting my walls today... charcoal grey. I think it's gonna look pretty dope. I found this wallpaper stuff that's a raised pattern kinda like the old sg background that I'm going to put on the wallspace where the fireplace is in my room and paint the fireplace a high gloss black... sounds kinda scary probably but it'll be kewl.
Ahhh... I'm relaxin 2nite, drinkin some wine and hopin' to get up early to finish painting tomorrow.
Whatcha doin' for the wkend?
Have you finished your bedroom yet... that was quite awhile ago but you never mentioned anything afterwards
Yesterday I went to Best Buy to buy Viva La Piata because, yes, I really love cute ghay girlie games. When I touched the game I immediately thought "this disk is damaged." So I grabbed the one behind it. I have these weird psychic (ESP? Intuitive?) Thoughts that happen sometimes and I always listen to them. I know I must sounds nuts, but I'm serious.... Read More
thanks ambs; it's just digital - i blew ink out of a pen on acetate then scanned/rearranged it etc...
enh... pretty boring wkend. thursday was fun, ate at Trevor then pretty much laid low for the rest other than the excitement of eating chinese over at Sam's 'rents last night... not so much.
i've yet to use the spoiler function. you just wait... when i have something really really good, i'm gonna spoil you... you just wait... keep waiting... it'll come...
i think you deserve another raise. you should have a jar and when any douzge bag calls you about somthing stupid, your boss should have to throw a twenty spot in it. we have a gas shortage up here right now. and, it's been snowing for like 24 hours. i'm not leaving the apartment today. i however have to pack all of my shit tomorrow and move into my new apartment wednesday. hopefully, it'll snow for the next 72 hours straight, that'd be sweet.
Body: i feel i have to explain myself to you because you have always been such a good friend to me. the initial reason for me getting upset is the false pretense... Read More
geeeez crise... i was really annoyed with someone and made a stupid comment... i'm retarded. ...and life goes on... so wholly guacamole... i knew your infiniti speaker was facked, now this other shite... brutal. can't a woman just sit, do some junk, and watch a movie anymore, lol. ahhhhh... i lub u. i'm very impressed that you took the road you did on the letter and left some things out... shows the type of person you are. i'm sure you very easily could have said many more negative things. i'm glad you got my text and it put a smile on your face... you're the bestest. You made me feel really great saying what you did. You know I whole heartedly feel the same.
ugh, i have like a gazillion things to do... i need to get moving... it's like 3:15, lol. someone was up a little passed his bedtime last night and got into trouble...
asiago is one of my favorite cheeses.... mmmmm. and i have a new love of big green olives stuffed with jalapenos, pronounced ja la pa nooooooooos
I did hear that awhile ago... it's available on the movie network here but i haven't ordered it cuz i think it's probably really bad and i realy liked the book so i don't want to ruin it... maybe i will somethime though
there's a funneh show on the National Geographic Network called Wild Sex, so they're showing all kinds of creatures gettin it on... pretty funneh... the lead-ins have porno music and stuff, lol like i just heard transvestite serpent orgy in one sentence... that's impressive.
I've never really cared for Valentines Day. The last time I remember being excited about it was when I was in elementary school and we'd decorate shoe boxes with hearts and glitter and unicorns and rainbows and lipstick and razor blades and all things emo. Everyone would then walk around the room and place one valentine in each person's box. I would go thru... Read More
Hah! galore... ohohhhhhh goooooode. ::: said in the creepy Buffalo Bills voice from silence of the lambs :::
which reminds me: !!!! have you seen Clerks II yet? omg, i pissed myself when this scene came on - warning: if you haven't, I don't want to ruin it... so maybe you should go and rent it....
my mom just called to tell me "the seeecreetttt" (said with a whispered lisp) is on Oprah today.
haha... you mean the scissor sisters site? err... wait, i kinda remember crazy dancing homo dudes... agh, i've had a bottle of vino with my fajjeeeeetas I made tonight that were dyno
i told Sam about my dreams while making dinner and mentioned how we were chatting back and forth today about it; i told her i kissed you too and she shot me a funny glare but then laughed and said i'd go, "i kinda really like Amber, this girl sounds really great".
isn't that funneh.
my mom's kinda into alawt of positive reaffirmation with this divorce thing... when we went there a few ago, she had a couple quotes posted on her fridge and stuff
but, i know it's been hard for her so whatevs gets her through it.
i actually haven't seen the original Clerks in soooo long... i don't even know if i've seenn it all the way through but i ppv'd Clerks II a few weeks ago when i was pretty baked and when that scene came on i nearly died cuz that silence of the lambs scene was so classic and yesh, i put that song on one of the cds, it's actually a pretty good song, lol
oh, and if i hadn't mentioned.... your new profile pic... your skin looks amazing like... you should be in a commercial amazing. k, i'm gHay.... bye
I was just leafing thru old mail on an email account I dont really use anymore and I found this from someone. I have no idea who this William guy is, but the email made me laugh.
When you heard people singing America the Beautiful, and they got to the part with "Amber Waves At Grain"... did your arm dart up and your wrist... Read More
I woke up this morning thinking deeply about status and pride and how much it affects people and the world in such negative ways...but now I dont feel like blogging about it sooooo:
Right now I'm eating a giant sugar cookie that looks like a strawberry. It's actually not too great, but it's so damn cute. If Mike didn't steal my camera I'd take a... Read More
yeah, that's why i reacted the way i did... i know my mom's goin' through a lot of shite but it's no excuse to become suddenly retarded, lol. i totally took it the wrong way though and apologized... bad son. one of her sisters is a bit of a wack-job on the jesus tip so i thought maybe she'd hypnotized her
I hit you back babe... I'm jumpin in the shower cuz I've got to run out to pick up some schtuff cuz we're going for dinner & movies at Sam's cousins place in a couple hours. We're staying there over night but I'll be back fairly early tomorrow... if you want to send me the logo file (highest res. you have) and dimensions I could try a couple different things and fire them over to you later tomorrow to have a look. Lemme know, you can text me back if you want
Dehydrated papaya scores on the lower end of the bell curve when it comes to not sucking. Yes, suck is an official statistic.