I told Cam that Obama won yesterday morning.
"You know he's going to charge $5,000 for guns!!"
"Where did you hear that?"
"Devon, a boy at school."
*Me explaining how republicans and democrats differ on gun control.*
"Soooo, Bush is a Republican?"
*In His head Republican is like saying Republic from Star wars.*
"Yes, he is a republican"
"Well, no wonder he's a jerk!"

I'm off to Spain for the nex two weeks for gallons of sangria, sun, and sexy men. Madrid, Barcelona, and the Balerics. Adios.

"You know he's going to charge $5,000 for guns!!"
"Where did you hear that?"
"Devon, a boy at school."
*Me explaining how republicans and democrats differ on gun control.*
"Soooo, Bush is a Republican?"
*In His head Republican is like saying Republic from Star wars.*
"Yes, he is a republican"
"Well, no wonder he's a jerk!"

I'm off to Spain for the nex two weeks for gallons of sangria, sun, and sexy men. Madrid, Barcelona, and the Balerics. Adios.