Drove to Jacksonville last night. Missed any weather that may still occur.That was good..
Stayed in a shitty hotel over night. Checked out this morning and moved over to the Adam's Mark.
Unpacked, showered, and went to go and see DarthLunchbox. Fun times shall ensue. He's one floor down. Expect more news to follow.
Edited, because he's too adorbale when he's been drinking, and he's such a good kisser... *sigh*
Edited again, because sleeping next to him was nice.. And because giving head after a condom's been on makes me sad.
Stayed in a shitty hotel over night. Checked out this morning and moved over to the Adam's Mark.
Unpacked, showered, and went to go and see DarthLunchbox. Fun times shall ensue. He's one floor down. Expect more news to follow.
Edited, because he's too adorbale when he's been drinking, and he's such a good kisser... *sigh*

Edited again, because sleeping next to him was nice.. And because giving head after a condom's been on makes me sad.

Congrats on finding a place.
NYC, bay-bee! Repra-zent!