So, It's been a while since I updated...
The Cure was so amazing, that it hurts. They played almost every song I could have wanted to hear, and even their new material sounded good to me.
Things haven't been very exciting since then, but.. Such is life.
Last night I saw Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. I actually rather enjoyed it, it was pretty funny. Almost intelligent at moments, but, mostly dumb comedy, but sometimes those are the best.
Tonight I saw The Village, and let me say that I absolutely HATED it.
What a fucking cop out! ARGH! GRRRR!
I won't spoil it, but jesus fucking christ! The twist ending sucked!
There was too much story, but not enough plot (assuming that makes sense to anybody else.)
Thankfully, after that I went with my new found friend Robby to sit and sip poorly made frappacinos in a Barnes and Noble and do a little bit of reading. A good time was had. That was followed up with some bowling, which was absolutely hilarious. Somehow, I became "Yay for Boobs" on the electronic scorecard. Allow me to state, that strobe lights have no place in a bowling alley. The black light was fun, but the strobe was just a little bit much. Saddly, I must admit that none of us that bowled managed to break 100. ( We all suck, aparently. ) Following the bowling, we had a short DDR fest at Robby's home, but we had to disperse fairly quickly. I felt uncomfortable being the only one in the room without hair of their natural color, and with piercings, or tattoos for that matter. It's irking almost. That was my entire evening, exciting as it was.
Tomorrow, adrenelinriot and two of my non-SG buddies and myself are heading up to Orlando for a few days, we're gonna be doing the whole tourist thing, just for a change of pace. A lot of pictures will probably be taken, so be on the look out for those in the coming days.
When I get back from Orlando, I'll be hopping a plane up to NYC for the weekend, and hopefully when I come back I'll have signed a lease for my apartment there. This is all dreadfully exciting.
Only 10 more days till I get to see DarthLunchbox!
I'm so excited!!!
Now, for some pictures of current events in my life...
I pretended to be a kitty, for a short bit.
Pink hair!
Sylvester was super cute.
But, then his she-devil bitch of a companion started a fight
adrenelinriot had snuggle time with our good friend
And I pretended to be sassy!
There are even more new pictures in my folders. So, look at them, if you want. *nod*
Now! Questions, and then I'm done.
1. Sexier female nemesis, Harley Quinn, or Poison Ivy?
2. Most recent CD purchased (in stores, or online[download]).
3. Do you now, or have you ever, slept with a stuffed animal ( and I mean a plush, not something taxidermied. Someone actually misunderstood me asking them this the other day )?
4. Aliens, or the the Predator?
5. If you had to guess, what would you say my weirdest fetish is?
My answers
1. I do love Ivy, but it's all about Harley for me.
2. Robin Williams Live at the Met off of iTunes.
3. I have a plush Stitch that I sleep with, when my cat hasn't stolen it.
4. The Predator. Shoulder mounted cannon anyone?
5. It's not fair if I answer.
to all!
The Cure was so amazing, that it hurts. They played almost every song I could have wanted to hear, and even their new material sounded good to me.
Things haven't been very exciting since then, but.. Such is life.
Last night I saw Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. I actually rather enjoyed it, it was pretty funny. Almost intelligent at moments, but, mostly dumb comedy, but sometimes those are the best.
Tonight I saw The Village, and let me say that I absolutely HATED it.

Thankfully, after that I went with my new found friend Robby to sit and sip poorly made frappacinos in a Barnes and Noble and do a little bit of reading. A good time was had. That was followed up with some bowling, which was absolutely hilarious. Somehow, I became "Yay for Boobs" on the electronic scorecard. Allow me to state, that strobe lights have no place in a bowling alley. The black light was fun, but the strobe was just a little bit much. Saddly, I must admit that none of us that bowled managed to break 100. ( We all suck, aparently. ) Following the bowling, we had a short DDR fest at Robby's home, but we had to disperse fairly quickly. I felt uncomfortable being the only one in the room without hair of their natural color, and with piercings, or tattoos for that matter. It's irking almost. That was my entire evening, exciting as it was.
Tomorrow, adrenelinriot and two of my non-SG buddies and myself are heading up to Orlando for a few days, we're gonna be doing the whole tourist thing, just for a change of pace. A lot of pictures will probably be taken, so be on the look out for those in the coming days.
When I get back from Orlando, I'll be hopping a plane up to NYC for the weekend, and hopefully when I come back I'll have signed a lease for my apartment there. This is all dreadfully exciting.
Only 10 more days till I get to see DarthLunchbox!

Now, for some pictures of current events in my life...
I pretended to be a kitty, for a short bit.

Pink hair!


Sylvester was super cute.

But, then his she-devil bitch of a companion started a fight

adrenelinriot had snuggle time with our good friend

And I pretended to be sassy!

There are even more new pictures in my folders. So, look at them, if you want. *nod*
Now! Questions, and then I'm done.
1. Sexier female nemesis, Harley Quinn, or Poison Ivy?
2. Most recent CD purchased (in stores, or online[download]).
3. Do you now, or have you ever, slept with a stuffed animal ( and I mean a plush, not something taxidermied. Someone actually misunderstood me asking them this the other day )?
4. Aliens, or the the Predator?
5. If you had to guess, what would you say my weirdest fetish is?
My answers
1. I do love Ivy, but it's all about Harley for me.
2. Robin Williams Live at the Met off of iTunes.
3. I have a plush Stitch that I sleep with, when my cat hasn't stolen it.
4. The Predator. Shoulder mounted cannon anyone?
5. It's not fair if I answer.

1.harley bc she is funny
2.r2dj latest album
3.yeah when i was little dude, my pet monster