I must say, it is extremely pathetic how people on this site act sometimes. I mean really??
We are all adults, let us act like adults. All this drama bullshit is middle school shit. When i joined this site, I figured I'd be chatting and whatnot with grown mature people, not children. I joined this site for a specific reason, and that reason is no longer relevant. I am fortunate enough to have made some very special friends through this site. Whether I actually have met them or not.
These people know I will help them in almost any situation that I can. I have already helped a few money wise, and I don't ask for anything in return. A friend is a friend, no matter how we met, or how often we may talk. Those who know who you are, I love you all. I would do close to anything for most of you.
Now that I got that off my chest, on to myself. If you don't care, don't read. Simple as that. I could give a fuck less if nobody read this.
We are all adults, let us act like adults. All this drama bullshit is middle school shit. When i joined this site, I figured I'd be chatting and whatnot with grown mature people, not children. I joined this site for a specific reason, and that reason is no longer relevant. I am fortunate enough to have made some very special friends through this site. Whether I actually have met them or not.
These people know I will help them in almost any situation that I can. I have already helped a few money wise, and I don't ask for anything in return. A friend is a friend, no matter how we met, or how often we may talk. Those who know who you are, I love you all. I would do close to anything for most of you.
Now that I got that off my chest, on to myself. If you don't care, don't read. Simple as that. I could give a fuck less if nobody read this.
Awww shucks dude, I wish I had seen this awhile ago, I've been taking a small SG break. I hope you feel better by now and are much happier. Love to you and Spacey and all sorts of wishes for good things in your future.