My life stories are too long to blog and I don't have enough patience so I'll leave with some stoney baloney movie nights
My favvy person in the whole world my sidekick my best friend my dealer my high partner and the gurl who gets me off sometimes we're not dating and she's not clingly.... amazing
My sisters
The guy I should be dating because he would be perfect for me... let me fuck gurls let me drink smoke he adores me because I accept him for who he is... he is perfect in every way and yet.... I can't date him... I just have issues

My favvy person in the whole world my sidekick my best friend my dealer my high partner and the gurl who gets me off sometimes we're not dating and she's not clingly.... amazing

My sisters

The guy I should be dating because he would be perfect for me... let me fuck gurls let me drink smoke he adores me because I accept him for who he is... he is perfect in every way and yet.... I can't date him... I just have issues
my other me... god, my issues are probably just as bad as yours.. (hehe) , but that is what makes life interesting.. one day I am gonna finish my life story.. one day... and then alas.. the world will know of my craziness.. (hehe)..
You look so beautiful in the pics and so doesyour friends..
keeep in touch.