yesterday was awsome... first to read all the lovely comments, finally neyrissa and panavision noticed i am
outside weather was just perfect. warm and sunshine the whole day. so i called a friend of mine to meet for ice cream ... talked to another good friend i have not spoken too for some time... and finally after having to much ice cream took her...
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outside weather was just perfect. warm and sunshine the whole day. so i called a friend of mine to meet for ice cream ... talked to another good friend i have not spoken too for some time... and finally after having to much ice cream took her...
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been to a club yesterday... had some drinks .. danced a bit.. i know i should but live's to short....
missed bambi though she would be there...
today i just lay on the couch thinking about neyrissa and panavision

missed bambi though she would be there...

today i just lay on the couch thinking about neyrissa and panavision

aaaaaaaaarghs - fucking bambi hat sich gegen 18 uhr mit kopfschmerzen hingelegt und is nicht mehr wach geworden

ich bin grad ordentlich vom stuhl gefallen als ich gesehn hab das du aus wiesbaden bist! ich sag verdammtnochma! naja gut, du httest auch ne frau sein knnen... aber man kann nicht immer gewinnen!
ich bin sprachlos... hab mich ja schon ber bambi gefreut aber es wird ja immer besser. wiesbaden, die welt ist ein dort.
ich war letzte woche in miami und am strand wollte mir n bruder ne rap cd verkaufen.... es stellte sich raus das er 5 jahre in wiesbaden gewohnt hat. now thats some crazy shit... naja hab jetzt ne cd von "gezzy bucket" ich wei nicht mal was das heien soll... aber ich steh halt auf den rap shit
ich glaub ich hab noch nie so oft wi geschrieben. mh.... das reicht jetzt auch.... ich hoffe dir gefllt die seite, la was von dir hrn
ich bin grad ordentlich vom stuhl gefallen als ich gesehn hab das du aus wiesbaden bist! ich sag verdammtnochma! naja gut, du httest auch ne frau sein knnen... aber man kann nicht immer gewinnen!

ich bin sprachlos... hab mich ja schon ber bambi gefreut aber es wird ja immer besser. wiesbaden, die welt ist ein dort.
ich war letzte woche in miami und am strand wollte mir n bruder ne rap cd verkaufen.... es stellte sich raus das er 5 jahre in wiesbaden gewohnt hat. now thats some crazy shit... naja hab jetzt ne cd von "gezzy bucket" ich wei nicht mal was das heien soll... aber ich steh halt auf den rap shit

ich glaub ich hab noch nie so oft wi geschrieben. mh.... das reicht jetzt auch.... ich hoffe dir gefllt die seite, la was von dir hrn
great !!!
since monday the weather was great... sunshine all day long, but of course i had to work and coudn't enjoy it...
today finally weekend .. finally have soem days off from work... what happens ... its raining .. raining since i got up this morning... and even better news arrive.. next week it will be raining the whole week....
... not to myself......
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since monday the weather was great... sunshine all day long, but of course i had to work and coudn't enjoy it...
today finally weekend .. finally have soem days off from work... what happens ... its raining .. raining since i got up this morning... and even better news arrive.. next week it will be raining the whole week....
... not to myself......
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ich mag ne neue mp3 cd mit allem was total hot und angesagt und neu is im moment !!!
Unbedingt !
lob jezz endlich mal meinen verfickten stern !
Unbedingt !
lob jezz endlich mal meinen verfickten stern !
ich mach im mai erstma ein girl on girl set !
hoffe das wird so hot, wie ichs mir vorstelle.
und mein nchstes hngt immer noch in der warteschleife rum
dauert immer EWIG bis hier was hochgeht !
hoffe das wird so hot, wie ichs mir vorstelle.
und mein nchstes hngt immer noch in der warteschleife rum

dauert immer EWIG bis hier was hochgeht !
damn, bad new for my knee i might get a surgery again...

so... after i was told how to update my journal...
i look professional on this

what a weekend!
had to work on saturday, than afterwards drove to my parents. had to visit a dance performance of my sister... was cool btw. than drove to a club to celebrate a good bye party for a fiend. it is kinda sad that we will be gone in a week or so. but we enjoyed the club, the music, the conversations and the...
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had to work on saturday, than afterwards drove to my parents. had to visit a dance performance of my sister... was cool btw. than drove to a club to celebrate a good bye party for a fiend. it is kinda sad that we will be gone in a week or so. but we enjoyed the club, the music, the conversations and the...
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monday march 07 i logged in to SG, i browesed some galleries and went to bed thinking about what i could see tomorrow...
...i woke up... went to the computer and had to realize it doesn't work anymore... i couldn't start the damn f*cking thing !!!
now everything is running again and i can take care of my knee which seems to be a mess...
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...i woke up... went to the computer and had to realize it doesn't work anymore... i couldn't start the damn f*cking thing !!!
now everything is running again and i can take care of my knee which seems to be a mess...
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Finally i am in here

ja, the weather is great right now hope it stays like that.
what is wrong with your knee i kinda missed that. can u walk? or do u have one of these litte electric golf garts kinda things... coz if u do u need to take me 4 a ride.
oh yeah and then well call xzibit and he will pimp it up!
please X pimp my wheelchair
ya right, whatever.
the bands u mentioned in my journal. never heard of them. t your fav bands in da profil, never heard of any of, i feel kinda lost, but i know all your fav films and i dig all the tv shows! nip/tuck rulz
u should try dawsons creek someday....ha ha i think im the only guy on the site who likes that!
ich bin raus...peace
klebereis...gelbe currysauce...algen-ruchertofu...CHILLI !
seit ich aus bali zurueck bin gibts hier nix mehr ohne chilli...meine gsten trinken nur noch milch zum essen
hab immer noch kopfweh..unter anderem weil ich mir gestern meinen schdel im bad angedotzt habe..hat geblutet