sorry haven't been here for a while.. life was .. maybe still is or will become a even greater mess than it was.. maybe still is. anyhow i am reading TRANSMETROPOLITAN an very amusing and zynical comic... it helps.
sorry to all the girls i wrote for a while... hope u missed me.. to say it in Spiders word... I know u did miss me...
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sorry to all the girls i wrote for a while... hope u missed me.. to say it in Spiders word... I know u did miss me...
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just received the bill for the repature fat my car.. 700euro.. damn
tell me something refreshing please
tell me something refreshing please

du bist mein lieblingshelmi !

Had my surgery today... all went well now i am sitting here at home waiting for soem people to stop by and entertain me

I would love to, but I can't download right now, which is why I want music sent to me!
bwahahahaha i got you to read my journal!! my plan worked...ok not really. but anyway, glad you had a good weekend. i can't wait til summer!!

What a Week...
First a Buisnesstrip on friday than a hot dacing night in the O at sturday.... which wasn't really healty for my knee... lol
by the sweeling is going back and on thursday i get my surgery...
after that i will be online more often so please entertain me
First a Buisnesstrip on friday than a hot dacing night in the O at sturday.... which wasn't really healty for my knee... lol
by the sweeling is going back and on thursday i get my surgery...
after that i will be online more often so please entertain me

perfect news..
i spoke to my superiors at work.. they don't pay me while i am in rehabilitation...
i spoke to my health inssurance company they don't pay either ...
which means i will loose an one month payment at work!!!
so i have two choices.. stay at home earn nothing this month and be broke afterwards...or i will stay at home for maybe 2...
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i spoke to my superiors at work.. they don't pay me while i am in rehabilitation...
i spoke to my health inssurance company they don't pay either ...
which means i will loose an one month payment at work!!!
so i have two choices.. stay at home earn nothing this month and be broke afterwards...or i will stay at home for maybe 2...
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nix nett
PURER ernst !

PURER ernst !
you're super sweet!
sun woke me today
... had a awsome breakfast with my best friend .. thought she might come over to me later to watch tv together but i guess that will not happen...
i propably should doing the portrait i am supposed to have finish by the day after tomorrow anyway...
but something is keeping me from doing it.. don't knwo what.... i need inspiration...
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i propably should doing the portrait i am supposed to have finish by the day after tomorrow anyway...

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den arsch an arsch shoot gibts am 22.05
uuuuund...DU hilfst mir ma fein nicht beim umziehen, weil du hast ein kaputtes knie und ich zieh in den 4. stock ohne aufzug !
aber du kannst gerne nchste woche vorbeikommen und die wohnung begutachten und ein glas milch zum essen trinken
den arsch an arsch shoot gibts am 22.05

uuuuund...DU hilfst mir ma fein nicht beim umziehen, weil du hast ein kaputtes knie und ich zieh in den 4. stock ohne aufzug !
aber du kannst gerne nchste woche vorbeikommen und die wohnung begutachten und ein glas milch zum essen trinken

so it is now official... new surgery is on april 21st. wish me luck

och du armer, schon wieder op !
ich hab dir doch gesagt tanz nicht soviel !!
wat treibste heute abend ??
ich hab dir doch gesagt tanz nicht soviel !!
wat treibste heute abend ??
ich auch, weil alles doof heute ist !
i am not sure whats wrong with me these days i fell kinda ... i can't even describe maybe its because i have to work on eastern i dunno....
well i hope everyone spent a nice easter weekend ...
and i am pretty sure that they have to fix my knee again... thats a bummer too
well i hope everyone spent a nice easter weekend ...
and i am pretty sure that they have to fix my knee again... thats a bummer too
sure, anyone can join!
I love that song! type o are amazing, id love to see them live one day. i read on someones journal that theyd been to see hem and that there was green snow coming from the ceiling!

yesterday was fun.. a friend of mine and me watch a horroflick with his best friend. maybe you know the flick.. Dead End.. we thought it would be apropiate for a first time horror flick viewer.. she told us it was to scary in some scenes...
it was so much cause after Dead End was finished we had to watch aladdin to calm her down.....
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it was so much cause after Dead End was finished we had to watch aladdin to calm her down.....
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he kleiner,
wenn du magst, schau doch heute vorm O bei mir vorbei...feier ein wenig ...
wrde mich freuen
wenn du magst, schau doch heute vorm O bei mir vorbei...feier ein wenig ...
wrde mich freuen
I went to RaR last year. I know how it works. I'm arriving early on the 2nd. Thanks, though.
lazy day today.... sitting in my flat watching movies the whole day ... which is kinda cool but i should go outside and enjoy the good weather... ok will do it next week when i have a day off... today i am just lazy..
still trying to save up money for a digicam to take some pix .. i need one... i don't know jet...
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still trying to save up money for a digicam to take some pix .. i need one... i don't know jet...
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I love those lyrics, beautiful

Thanks for the compliment.

wie siehts denn so gegen donnerstag aus ?
ruhrpott rockt