I hate when you see something on eBay and don't bid on it. then it come closer to the closing your say you are gunna bid on it, and then forget until like 10 minutes after it was done!
More Blogs
Friday Jul 03, 2009
Is leaving for Vegas in one week! It will be my third trip out there … -
Tuesday Jun 30, 2009
So schools in NY only finished last week, and yet still i just set my… -
Wednesday Jun 17, 2009
At the store all day making sure it looks pretty by friday! the east … -
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
I just bought new running shoes and an Ipod. Goal is to lose 5 pounds… -
Monday Jun 08, 2009
After being home for a few hours, its back to work! -
Saturday May 23, 2009
Work till 6. Ikea for a bookcase. Maybe random bar tonight. … -
Friday May 15, 2009
Cant wait for today to end. Saturday: Shopping in Soho in the mor… -
Monday May 11, 2009
I don't know why but i don't like today, something feels off. -
Tuesday May 05, 2009
Is sick as hell and off till friday afternoon!!!!!!! RUINED MY DAYS O… -
Sunday May 03, 2009
After an amazing week Monday Rock of Ages with Styx and REO Speedwa…