my new favorite thing is coke imported from mexico. it really does taste better. anyone want to teach me spanish?
so, i moved to california. my car broke down on the way out here. it cost almost $1000 for the tow and a new fuel pump. and a hotel for the night while they fixed it. im working now, which is good, but unless i get a second job, i think ill be perpetually broke. its expensive out here.... and....i really want to go see...
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im glad my computers working again. 9 days without it wasnt easy. its still stupid hot outside. im going back to california in 3 weeks from today. im gonna try and find a place to live, and maybe a job. i hope i can pull it off...nothing good is easy.
At least it's been not-so-ridiculously hot lately. The rain yesterday was nice.

Where about in CA are you going? I've been jogging over to Redwood City (about 15 minutes south of SF) every 3-6 months lately. I plan on moving out there soon. I'm pretty worried about finding a place to live - everything out there is so much more expensive, and I have a hard time making it here :-\

Good luck in your endeavors smile
i dont think theres any other alchohol that makes me as numb as gin does. and it tastes good too...
also, its way too hot to be alive.
im wayyy too full of tofu. and i like it. mostly cause im secretly fat inside. now im listening to yes really loud....probably pissing off my roommates...
i think im allergic to peaches. they make the inside of my mouth all itchy. but they taste so good...
Awww, That's sad.
That would be AMAZING!

i saw kind of like spitting last night. it was a really good show. it was strange though. ive been listening to them for about 8 years. and the first time i see them play, is outside of a coffee shop in a strip mall, surrounded by a bunch of high school kids. im glad i went.
im going to california on friday to visit my girlfriend. im super excited to the maximum capacity. i keep thinking that theres something i should be doing to get ready, but i just dont know what it is. someone make time go faster...