Hello how are all of my lovely friends today? I am really looking forward to tonight. I am going to see In Flames at the Metropolis in Montreal tonight. It is about damn time that I go out to take in a concert. Someone asked me a interesting question a few days ago. They asked if I could do over any one decision what would it be and why. There are a few that I would kill to do over but the first one that came to my mind was that I would have found a different group of friends to hang out with when I was in High School. I looked back and did some deep thinking and I realized that I was never really happy in this group. I always felt like a outsider to them. I feel like I am just there when I hang out with them. They have become very cliquish and treat any newbies like crap. I deal with 1 that is a shit friend he gets whiny and jealous every time I am in a relationship. I have been around this group less and less and I am happier for it. Whey rant time is done
So if you could have a do over of any one decision in your life what would it be and why?
So if you could have a do over of any one decision in your life what would it be and why?
So did you get some pussy at the concert? (correct answer is Yes)!