This picture was taken exactly one year ago, just nest to a surf spot called Grandmas on Maui it pictures me on the right. My bro Sacha in the back and my bro Jas on the left with our friend Josh right in the back ground. I have it on my wall over my desk because every time I see it, it brings a smile to my face and no matter how low I am it lifts me in ways that I just cant explain.
today was a day much like that day only I lived it alone, the sun was shining bright, and the surf was pumping, I caught the biggest wave I have ever rode in my life at my favourite surf spot and came home exhausted with a smile on my face, I thought it couldnt be any better than that a real day to remember.
when I went online I saw that Jas was there so I said hi, and we started to catch up and chat a little, I told him about my wave and he told me that he is going back to Hawaii for a month in November with his girlfriend Annie, I said that one day we would have to all meet up there again and relive our times there. He said that it might be more difficult next time and I thought it was just because of his work; turns out I couldnt be more wrong, next time we go we wont be able to just hang loose and act the fools on the beach, because he is soon to be a farther!! HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT!!!!

Today was definitely a good day!!!
Just sending some ALOHA LOVE!
thanks love. how've you been? x