been having really bad headaches for almost a week now and its making me feel like shit
, i'm also falling asleep a lot in the middle of the day, but when i wake up i dont feel in the slightest bit rested, my doctor says its all to do with the knock on the head i had last week, but thats not made things feel any better.
so i have been trying to keep myself occupied, as you all know i have been trying to get my business up and running now for a while, as i am still without a workshop the business is still in it's planning stages, so i have been focusing on my logo design, i wanted to keep it really simple and retro but to be honest im no designer, and when all you have to work with is microsoft paint its a little difficult to come up with something original and stylish, everything looks really basic and like its been done by a child
not quite sure what to do next so i am opening up my ideas to the public (that would be you guys out there
) and i am asking for any advice, constructive critasizem and oppinions, heres what i have come up with so far:
like i said any input you guys may have would be great

so i have been trying to keep myself occupied, as you all know i have been trying to get my business up and running now for a while, as i am still without a workshop the business is still in it's planning stages, so i have been focusing on my logo design, i wanted to keep it really simple and retro but to be honest im no designer, and when all you have to work with is microsoft paint its a little difficult to come up with something original and stylish, everything looks really basic and like its been done by a child

like i said any input you guys may have would be great

As for your logo. If you like it, that's what matters but I'd like to know why you choose what you did. Maybe you should post why you did what you did with the pictures.
I chose a diamond because.... The triangles in my mind represent.... I wanted them to be triangles inside of triangles because....