So what's been happening, well let's see, since I last posted on the site I have been so busy it's been insane, let's see
I finished my loft..... well kind of, its 99% there and I have finally been able to move myself in and get my stuff out of storage where it's been since I moved in last September, the graffiti art work is still to be done and my art work still need to be framed and put up but apart from that it's done YAY!!!

I got myself tartted up a little, I went from this.......

To this....

I think it's an improvement

the course that I am on holds a surf contest each year, it's set up by the students and run by the students and counts as course work, Plymouth uni held their contest down here in Cornwall a couple of weeks ago, and we trounced them! the victory was so much sweeter because they had told us that we weren't allowed to enter a team in to the university championships a few months ago because we wanted to surf for Cornwall and not Plymouth, our competition is being held on the tenth of may so as you can imagine things are stressful right now because we are all doing our best to make it a fantastic event, if anyone wants to attend then let me know and ill send you details

I only just scrapped through my statistics exam last week, the pass mark was 30% and I got 33%..... yes it's a pass but considering it was an open book exam that's really quite poor, my only defence is that I have always been shit at maths

I've been bullying myself in to getting over this hump that I have been struggling with with regards to my fitness and stamina, so I bought an old knackered bike and I now do two miles a day (weather and aching body permitting) around my little village, I am surfing as much as I can (college and aching body permitting) plus I am doing pull ups, press ups and sit ups each morning and every night, since this time last year I have managed to shed 50lbs in weight the belly is slowly shrinking (YAY!!!) so this summer I intend to get as fit as I possibly can (aching body permitting of course

Next week I will be sitting my judge's exam, which means that I'll be a level 1 BSA approved Surf judge!

if the weather and the swell holds out, on Wednesday ill be heading up to North Devon to see my boy Tommythecat420 to go surfing, it will be TC's first splash of the year and I'm stoked to be going

Let's see, what else.......

I've been watching loads of surf DVD's of late, and I've really begun to understand where I have been going wrong with my surfing, the only bit which is still letting me down is my paddle fitness, since December its either been HUGE!!!! or as flat as a mill pond here so I've been kind of stuck to the white water most of the time as I don't have the paddle strength to get myself past the braking waves to the line up out back in order to catch the nice green waves (hence the fitness program I'm putting myself through) but it's getting to summer which means that Long boarders like me will finally get the chance to dominate out there while we listen to all the short boarders complain about the lack of waves

I've signed myself up to a weekend long surf clinic in July for long boarders, it means that I'll be able to get out with a coach again working through things and improving my style
the college I go to offers people on my course options that places like Plymouth don't, one is a subsidised trip away were we spend a few days observing a marine environment for our ecology class, last year's group went to the south of France, my group was told last week where we would be going next February, and we almost died with joy!!! The college is sending us for two weeks in Barbados to study the reefs out there........ And of course surf as much as possible, in fact it's just a huge con really the "observation" that we will be doing only takes up a day! lol so yeah I'm looking forward to next winter a lot now especially seeing as I won't have to wear a really thick wet suit, hood gloves and booties to surf, instead I'll be in my board shorts and a rash vest soaking up the sun

My shaping's had to be put on hold while I look for another workshop that's within my price range, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my sister gets the new house she has applied for, it comes with a garage and if she gets it, it means that I'll be able to move my beloved beetle to her house so I can convert my garage in to, a work shop and then Serenity Surf Designs will finally be launched and trading

after spending a day chatting to and the surfing with the legend who is Sam Bleakley I have decided to take his advice and have finally started doing Yoga, from watching me he says that I am a little ridged in my surfing (probably down to the fact that my body is totally fucked) so he said that Yoga will help to relax me and to improve my flexibility which should allow me to surf a lot more fluidly, right now I am finding it all rather embarrassing to be honest with you, I tend to fall over a lot

Let's see what else........

Well I got a weird feeling today when an old friend of mine posted some pictures of me when I was younger and used to ride bikes on to face book...... who wants to see a part of me that died a long time ago and laugh at how young I used to be???
Well ok here you go.......
so yeah like I said I've been stupidly busy and it's not likely to calm down for me until we break up for the summer, where I intend to spend the whole holidays at my favourite spot in all the world just chilling and surfing and working on my tan, so if you want to just forget about the world for a little while then you will be able to find me here
just ask the lady in the little shed in the car park and she will be able to tell you were ill be hiding isn't it nice when you live in a small place and see people day in and day out that you get to know them not only does she let me park all day for the cost of a two hour ticket but she make sure to keep a special eye on my car after I told her that I had one of my boards stolen out of my camper last summer
Ok well I've written enough, it's almost 1am and I still have a shit load of work to do for tomorrow
keep it real my friends and please now that I have my loft sorted feel free to come and crash on my sofa bed and grab a board out of my garage whenever you want, my door is always open
i was gna go on a ticket to ride trip after my final yr but its like 6,000 all together including insurance, my own spending money and food money its ridiculous!!! and its only for 3 months!! i really dont ave that kind of money!