Well today was the day

as those of you who take the time to read my journals will know today was the day that I went and got myself some fresh ink to tide me over to the end of the year when (hopefully) I'll finally get my payout and be able to head to Birmingham to let the beautiful Frankie loose on my body with her talented hands

Now Ive always been really proud of the fact that I can sit tattoos really well, the pain isn't really that bad for me, I mean yeah, it hurts but its nothing that I cant deal with....in fact I kinda enjoy it, and despite the fact that I had two small tattoos done, one on either side of my neck, just behind each ear, I was pleasantly surprised at just how little it actually hurt....what I was surprised at was the fact that about five minuets into the session my body just started to shake, it wasnt so bad that it stopped the tattooist from doing his work in fact he barely noticed it, but I just couldnt stop myself from shaking! and it's not like I didnt prepare for the tattoo, I didnt drink or smoke for a couple of days beforehand, I got a good 8 hours sleep the night before, and I hand plenty of sugary drinks in order to get my blood sugar up, it was without a doubt the weirdest thing ever, and kinda but a dampener on the whole thing
Still, it's done with now, and Ive had my little fix which should do me till the end of the year
Right now I am off to drink my Morgan and Coke and smoke a fat one, I hope you all have a good weekend folks
haha! I wasnt offering it up to the kind people of SG to get it for me, but I think its a rad gift.
It is a gift that keeps on giving.. and giving... and giving...