Happy forth of July peeps
Im not sure how long Ive got before my PC crashs again so ill keep this short,
things are poo right now for me emotionally, I did something over the weekend with some one I swore I would never go near again, that I know I shouldnt have and Im kind of shell shocked from it, still I only have myself to blame so Im not gona get down about it...to much at least
the PC is still acting up, not sure when my new one will arrive as I was told that they would call with a delivery date and so far I havent heard anything, so figures crossed that it will be soon cos I miss being on here everyday and chatting to my friends
(Hay Sparky haws life and the job hunt going?)
I desperately want to go surfing right now, I have so much on my mind and it always makes me relax and think things through clearly, but alas its not to be, money is super tight right now and I just cant afford the petrol needed to get my sorry ass to the coast,
, still on a brighter side my mate mark gave me one of his old boards when he found out that my three year old nephew snapped mine (
the little shit!!
) Im so stoked cos its got blue flames just like my old one YAY!!!!
although its a lot shorter than I normally ride, measuring in at 7'6", so no doubt it will take some getting used to once Im able to get back out
So yeah lifes up and down right now (more down than up) but I cant really complain Im alive and healthy-ish with friends and loved ones and in the end thats all that matters,
I hope your all doing well and getting along with life in a happy and fun way
Talk to you all again soon

Happy forth of July peeps

Im not sure how long Ive got before my PC crashs again so ill keep this short,

things are poo right now for me emotionally, I did something over the weekend with some one I swore I would never go near again, that I know I shouldnt have and Im kind of shell shocked from it, still I only have myself to blame so Im not gona get down about it...to much at least

the PC is still acting up, not sure when my new one will arrive as I was told that they would call with a delivery date and so far I havent heard anything, so figures crossed that it will be soon cos I miss being on here everyday and chatting to my friends

I desperately want to go surfing right now, I have so much on my mind and it always makes me relax and think things through clearly, but alas its not to be, money is super tight right now and I just cant afford the petrol needed to get my sorry ass to the coast,

So yeah lifes up and down right now (more down than up) but I cant really complain Im alive and healthy-ish with friends and loved ones and in the end thats all that matters,

I hope your all doing well and getting along with life in a happy and fun way
Talk to you all again soon

take care.