Im officially broke for the rest of the year, this limited use of the PC due to its immanent death got the better of me and I caved
yes thats right folks, some time in the next couple of weeks ill be taking delivery of a brand new PC, and paying out my ass for it for the next three years
I guess there goes any chance of a holiday this summer, still cant complain, its nothing new, I havent had a holiday in seven year
id kill to just go camping
I hope Im not missing out much on the SG world, let me know if anything good happens so I can check it all out once Im back to 100% of operating power
Have a good week end folks

Im officially broke for the rest of the year, this limited use of the PC due to its immanent death got the better of me and I caved

I guess there goes any chance of a holiday this summer, still cant complain, its nothing new, I havent had a holiday in seven year

I hope Im not missing out much on the SG world, let me know if anything good happens so I can check it all out once Im back to 100% of operating power
Have a good week end folks

Even then, thats a bit cheeky of your Mum. I know it keeps that moeny aside so you know you'll add to it and sort a bed out but still. Especially after the ructions last time you asked her to help out?
Sorry, I'm a little angry at the world today. Not sure why 'cos it's not all bad and I'm not in that fierce a mood. Just a little tired of people taking advantage of other people.
look after yourself.