i'm thinking seriously about quitting my job. i don't think i like waiting tables anymore. i think i want to try to go to school full time. it would be really hard, but i think that i can pull enough through grants to pick up the cost of living expenses and school tuition. the problem is, i'd have to move. san antonio just doesn't have a university that's well recognized for architecture.... what i'd really like to do is to get into UT in Austin... or a further stretch, the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Queensland in Australia. that's brought on by my abhoration of san antonio. "no me gusta." that's san antonian for "san antonio sucks ass." i can't be a musician here. i can't be an architect here. i can't be a millionaire here. what's wrong with this picture. obviously! the problem lies in san antonio. that's what i think, therefore it's gospel. the end.

howdy cowboy!
i'm back home!!!!!