So much to blog so little time. Well this has been a little hectic week for me. Been working a ton and I finally got a summer sedeual so now I can have a life and plan stuff out for the summer instead of being staffing bitch like how I am normally. Its funny how all the people here thing that the ferries is such a great job and that it pays an obscene amount of money, when in reality you get paid a ok amount for a really crappy job that calls you on a moments notice to work at 645 with stretches of work that last 15 days in a row. not saying its a bad thing since its what I signed up for but it does take a told on you after a while being at the beck and call of a company that has such odd hours. I am grateful that I can actually go camping for once in a long time, (sand cut beach anyone?) not to mention the more consistent money that it will bring which is always nice. Speaking of more money I finally broke down and bought a replacement bike for my sorry ass. Its been a little while since I have had my own bike after my previous one that got stolen about 2-3 months ago. Its absences, has made me a little edgy since I love biking so much. Add to that the fact that my insurance would not give me any money for it due to all my camping gear getting stolen, has made me getting a replacement bike all that much harder. So after putting another big chunk on my credit card I bought a new bike. Im not to sure if I have buyers remorse since It was kind of an expensive purchase. I was feeling pretty guilty since I bought it (I didnt get it ride it right away) and took it for a ride for the first time today for about 30 minutes. Believe me, after riding a bike again (thats actually mine) has made me miss the act of biking even more and has made the purchase, in my mind, worth the financial burden. Now all I have to do it not get this one stolen and bike as much as I can to really make this bike worth it
but other than that I have been pretty good. I have been actually in the presence of the sun and that in itself is a rarity. But this weekend has been a wash of self realizations that are not just focused on the bike. Just been learning a little about myself and how affect the people around me. All this self stuff is always a odd surprise when you realize what happening more like a ohhh thats why I do that thing that seems so simple when you figure it out but it always seems that it takes a quarter of you life to figure out. Guess that the whole thing about growing up and getting older

What kind of camping do you like to do? Very basic, back to nature stuff, or do you take lots of little gadgets & things with you?
Have fun with it oh and er... Buy a lock!